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Canvis a "Decidim Stories: Casos d'Ús Més Enllà de les Ciutats"

Avatar: Nil Homedes
Nil Homedes

Descripció (English)

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    In recent years, the use of the Decidim platform has spread beyond local governments. In this session we will learn how Decidim is being implemented in different contexts and realities, through the conversation with the invited experiences we will explore the challenges of using Decidim at other scales, as well as what strategies have been designed to create quality processes that seek to generate an impact by redistributing power to citizens.

    • Carla de Paiva Bezerra (Brasil Participativo)
    • Antonio casado (Gi2030)
    • Romy Grasgruber-Kerl & Daryna Sterina (EMVI Project)
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    In recent years, the use of the Decidim platform has spread beyond local governments. In this session we will learn how Decidim is being implemented in different contexts and realities, through the conversation with the invited experiences we will explore the challenges of using Decidim at other scales, as well as what strategies have been designed to create quality processes that seek to generate an impact by redistributing power to citizens.

    • Carla de Paiva Bezerra (Brasil Participativo)
    • Antonio casado (Gi2030)
    • Romy Grasgruber-Kerl & Daryna Sterina (EMVI Project)

Ubicació (English)

  • -Carrer de Concepción Arenal 165, El Congrés i els Indians, Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya
  • + Canòdrom - Ateneu d'Innovació Digital i Democràtica


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La contrasenya és massa curta.
