Changes at "Integrating paper votes into Decidim"
Title (English)
- +Integrating paper votes into Decidim
Body (English)
Description of the workshop
There is a module created by Digidem Lab called Paper Ballots that allows to integrate paper ballots into the results of a participatory budget. At Open Source Politics, we have used this module on several occasions, but we are currently not willing to implement it in all instances where it is needed because the UX and transparency standards are not high enough.This workshop would be dedicated to designing the optimal path and method for integrating paper votes into Decidim. In other words, we want to redefine the paper vote integration experience in order to create one with high standards of transparency and UX.
Suggested structure of the workshop:
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identifying risks related to uploading paper ballots
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defining necessary transparency standards
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considering what a good UX would be for the vote upload process
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designing the workflow for uploading paper ballots into Decidim.
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Lastly, if time permits, we would love to discuss more broadly how in-person participation can be better integrated into Decidim.
Language of the session: English
Logistical needs: A screen or a projector, a printer to prepare the meeting
Maximum number of participants: no maximum
Number of people facilitating the workshop: 2 (probably Valentin and Simonas)