Changes at "Lowering Barriers: The Use of the Opinion Component for Participation Collection and Initial Contact with Leads"
Title (English)
- +Lowering Barriers: The Use of the Opinion Component for Participation Collection and Initial Contact with Leads
Body (English)
In this lightning talk, we will discuss how the use of opinion polls is enhancing the quality of inclusion in participatory processes based on Decidim within the Federal Government of Brazil. We will detail the use case of a new component for Decidim developed in Brazil, which integrates with Empurrando Juntas, an open-source opinion poll tool. Its effectiveness in participation collection and initial contact with unauthenticated leads will be analyzed. Ongoing cases, such as the construction of the National Culture Plan of the Brazilian Federal Government and the G20 Social, will be presented as practical examples of this approach.Language of the session: English
Logistical needs: screen or projector, sound equipment (depending on room size)