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Lesson Open Government

  • Girona
    Carrer Pic de Peguera, 15, 17003 Girona
  • 10:10 AM - 10:45 AM CET
OpenStreetMap - Carrer Pic de Peguera, 15, 17003 Girona
Avatar: Official meeting
Official meeting

There is not yet a single accepted definition of open government, although there are many features in the evolving definitions. The OECD in the book: The Way Forward describes the open government as "The transparency of government actions, the accessibility of government services and information, and the government's capacity to respond to new ideas, demands and needs "

The three main challenges

  • Transparency: Let the public understand the functioning of their
  • Public commitment: That the public can influence the functioning of their government through participation in governmental political processes and in service delivery
  • Accountability: That the public may hold the government to account for its policy and the performance of the service.


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