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[Panel 1] Frontiers of democratic research: deliberation, artificial intelligence, rankings, crowdvocacy

  • Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats
    Carrer de Sant Adrià, 20, 08030 Barcelona
    Ground Floor
  • 15:30 PM - 17:00 PM CET
OpenStreetMap - Carrer de Sant Adrià, 20, 08030 Barcelona
Avatar: Official meeting
Official meeting
  • Maite López Sánchez (University of Barcelona) Decidim and AI in the project "Can we make Decidim intelligent?"
  • Rosa Borge (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) Disruption ot continuity? Analysis of the participation and deliberation in/on the Decidim platform of the Catalan municipalities.
  • Pablo Aragón (Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Eurecat) Call For Democracy: The Impact of Rankings in Online Petition Signing.
  • Olivier Schulbaum (Goteo) Crowdvocacy. The cost of participation — Amplifying democracy by bridging political participation, digital campaigning platforms, and civic crowdfunding. Crossing communities and technologies between Decidim and Goteo.
  • Xabier Barandiaran (UPV-EHU) White paper: Decidim: political and technopolitical networks for participatory democracy

Listen to the talk on Radio Decidim


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