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Is everything lost? Privacy in the age of permanent connection

  • Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats
    Carrer de Sant Adrià, 20, 08030 Barcelona
    Ground Floor
  • 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM CET
OpenStreetMap - Carrer de Sant Adrià, 20, 08030 Barcelona
Avatar: Official meeting
Official meeting
  • Enric Luján ( Universitat de Barcelona)

The ubiquity of information technologies ( smart phones, cameras, sensors...) leads us to an extremely adverse scenario in order to keep parts of our existence private. Do we have to give in completely to this new condition or, on the contrary, do we have to put up with it and give an answer? To what extent? How do we manage our paranoia so as not to incur in a control delirium? Even today, we are still looking for answers that can combine the daily use of electronic devices with the deployment of a certain prudence in interacting with them.

Listen to the talk on Radio Decidim


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