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Analítiques i estadístiques


Canvis a "Refactoritzant el gènere"

Avatar: Carol Romero
Carol Romero

Descripció (English)

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    From the Decidim community, we know that the code creates normative frameworks and we want ours and its development to be more inclusive and diverse. Therefore, this year we launched the DecidmFemDev Program, an open call for female/non-binary developers that seeks parity in the development of the Decidim code, strengthening and facilitating their participation in the platform. After two editions of the program, some of the participants will share their experience with us.

    • .Vera Rojman
    • Alejandra González
    • Thais Ruiz de Alda                   

    Moderates: Carol Romero


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
