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Speakers Speakers (Decidim Fest 2020)



Alba Roza

Codebase Steward at Foundation for Public Code Foundation for Public Code

Alba is a Codebase Steward focused on supporting communities. She is a Developer Relations professional, who has been working in Tech Communication and Marketing since 2011. She is a familiar sight at technical conferences, and specialized in software communities: the focus of her professional career during the last six years.

Before joining the Foundation for Public Code she worked for Codemotion Conference (one of the biggest in EMEA) as the Project Manager for Communities of Northern Europe. Here she strengthened liaisons with software communities, mainly Netherlands, Germany and Spain.

Alba likes to contribute back to Communities via interviews, as a speaker, mentor, specially for women in tech or even helping organize non profit conferences.



Alejandra González

Developer -
Speaking at



Alejandra López Gabrielidis

Philosopher -

She has a degree in Philosophy, specialized in art and digital technologies. Her interest is focused, above all, on analyzing the relationships that are woven between the technical object and the body from a paradigm of distributed agency. She addresses these issues by combining theory and philosophy with criticism and artistic experimentation.

She currently works as a full-time researcher-in-training in the project "IN>TRA. Collaborative artistic practice as a model of experience: new forms and prototypes in research processes", directed by IMARTE, Research Group, Art, Science and Technology of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona (UB). He is also working on his doctoral thesis on the new modalities of corporation-reality that arise in relation to the phenomenon of datification, under the tutorship of the UB and the University of Rennes.



Alexandra Elbakyan

Web developer and creator of Sci-Hub Sci-Hub

Alexandra Elbakyan is a web developer and creator of Sci-Hub, a shadow library website that provides free access to millions of research papers and books. She founded Sci-Hub in 2011 in Kazakhstan in response to the high cost of research papers, and the site is now extensively used worldwide. Her and the website have been sued twice for copyright infringement in the United States in 2015 and 2017, and that led to loss of some of its Internet domain names. Since then, the site has cycled through different domain names.



Amy Zhang

Assistant professor at University of Washington's Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering Social Futures Lab

Amy X. Zhang is an assistant professor at University of Washington's Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering, where she leads the Social Futures Lab on reimagining social and collaborative systems to empower people and improve society. Previously, she was a 2019-20 postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University's Computer Science Department after completing her Ph.D. at MIT CSAIL in 2019, where she received the George Sprowls Best Ph.D. Thesis Award in computer science. During her Ph.D., she was an affiliate and 2018-19 Fellow at the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University, a Google Ph.D. Fellow, and an NSF Graduate Research Fellow. Her work has received a best paper award at ACM CSCW, a best paper honorable mention award at ACM CHI, and has been profiled on BBC's Click television program, CBC radio, and featured in articles by ABC News, The Verge, New Scientist, and Poynter. She is a founding member of the Credibility Coalition, a group dedicated to research and standards for information credibility online. She has interned at Microsoft Research and Google Research. She received an M.Phil. in Computer Science at the University of Cambridge on a Gates Fellowship and a B.S. in Computer Science at Rutgers University, where she was captain of the Division I Women's tennis team



Antònia Folguera

Curator of Sónar + D and multimedia adventurer

Antònia Folguera calls herself a multimedia adventurer, and her work moves in the field of digital culture, communication and electronic music.

She has worked in radio and television, and formed part of seminal streaming projects (Riereta), been head of communication for music technology projects (Ovalsound, Reactable) and co-organized Dorkbot Barcelona, the event for “people who do strange things with electricity”.



Antonio Calleja

Coordinator of and co-founder of UOC,

PhD in Sociology (University of Exeter), D.E.A. in Philosophy (University of Seville) and Master in Political Science (Arizona State University). He participates in projects ranging from sociological studies in the laboratory and techno-scientific innovation to the intersection between art and politics, through the analysis of social movements. He is coordinator of at IN3-UOC, and co-founder of



Arantxa Mendiharat

Cofounder of and and

Arantxa Mendiharat co-designs and manages cultural and participation projects. She is especially interested in researching and promoting new models of democracy based on the draw and deliberation. She is co-founder of,, and is a member of the international network Democracy R&D. She just published a book co-written with Ernesto Ganuza, La democracia es posible. Sorteo cívico y deliberación para rescatar el poder de la ciudadanía ( "Democracy is possible. Civic Drawing and Deliberation to Rescue the Power of Citizenship"). She lives in Bilbao.



Arnau Monterde

Coordinator of Decidim

Arnau Monterde is the Director of Democratic Innovation at the Barcelona City Council. He is one of the cofounders of  Decidim project. He has also promoted the Laboratory of Democratic Innovation in Barcelona. He was the coordinator of the project at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3-UOC). He studies emerging forms of political participation and democracy in the network society. He holds a PhD in Information and Knowledge Society by the Open University of Catalunya.



Carlo Beltrame

Software Developer Puzzle ITC

Carlo Beltrame is a software developer, open source contributor and community manager. Since his studies in computer science at ETH Zürich, he has been working for Puzzle ITC. He is a regular contributor to the open source community management software "hitobito", which is used for managing over 100'000 members of several associations and political parties in Switzerland. He also worked on realizing several of the first Decidim instances in Switzerland, and was co-founder of the "Forum E-Participation Switzerland". It is his belief that through working together, benefits can be created for the general public, which should be the basis for most modern software.



Carlos del Castillo

Journalist at

Journalist. Specialized in the social impact of technology, disinformation, hacktivism and privacy. He works at, where he has revealed several campaigns of electoral manipulation and intoxication of political discourse on social networks. He has collaborated with projects to analyse and monitor respect for fundamental rights on the Internet at a Spanish and European level.



Caroline Sinders

Machine learning designer and artist

Caroline Sinders is a critical designer and artist. For the past few years, she has been examining the intersections of artificial intelligence, abuse, and politics in digital conversational spaces. She has worked with the United Nations, Amnesty International, IBM Watson, Wikimedia Foundation and others. Sinders has held fellowships with the Harvard Kennedy School, Google's PAIR (People and Artificial Intelligence Research group), the Mozilla Foundation, Pioneer Works, Eyebeam, Ars Electronica, the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, the Sci Art Resonances program with the European Commission, and the International Center of Photography. Her work has been featured in the Tate Exchange in Tate Modern, Victoria and Albert Museum, MoMA PS1, LABoral, Wired, Slate, Quartz, the Channels Festival and others. Sinders holds a Masters from New York University's Interactive Telecommunications Program.

Speaking at



Carol Romero

Decidim Product Owner Consorci Localret

Carol has worked as a GIS analyst both in the private and public sector. At Localret, where she has worked over the past few years, she coordinated several ICT projects for municipalities, with a focus on digital platforms for citizen engagement.

She is one of the cofounders of Decidim project and currently working as head of product and coordinating different institutions to facilitate the collaboration among them.



Clara Crivellaro

Senior Research Fellow in Digital Local Democracy Newcastle University Open Lab

Clara is Senior Research Fellow in Digital Local Democracy at Newcastle University Open Lab (UK). Her research explores the interplay between technologies, democratic practices and social justice and the design of socio-technical tools and participatory processes to democratise digital innovation with a particular concern for equity in social digital innovations.

She is the director of Not-Equal, a UKRI funded Network+ fostering collaborations to develop practical responses to issues of Social Justice in the Digital Economy. She is also co-Investigator for the UKRI Centre for Digital Citizens (CDC), and the H2020 Generative European Urban Commons, gE.CO (2019-2022). Clara is also  a member of OLAthens, a not-for profit organization that supports social solidarity economy initiatives in Greece.



David Vila

Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law University of Zaragoza

Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Zaragoza. PhD in Legal Sociology and Political Institutions. Researcher at the Sociology of Law Laboratory of the University of Zaragoza. From the perspective of gubermentality, he has worked on contemporary political rationalities, the Law, the Modern State and public policies in the areas of social governance, formal control and knowledge economy. He edited, with X.E. Barandiaran, the research of Buen Conocer - FLOK Society in Ecuador.



Elisenda Ortega

Democratic Innovation Department at Barcelona City Council Ajuntament de Barcelona

She has a diploma in Social Work and a degree in Humanities. An official of Barcelona City Council, she has worked as head of projects and public services in different neighbourhoods and districts of the city, managing local facilities and developing programmes in areas such as women, youth, interculturality, community development, participation and support for civic and social entities.

Since 2016, she has been responsible for the department for the Promotion of Participation of Barcelona City Council, from which she has played an important role in the process of drawing up the new regulations for participation of the City Council, approved in 2017. He has also actively collaborated in drawing up the strategic lines for diverse and inclusive participation and in drawing up the administrative procedure that enables and guarantees the implementation of citizens' initiatives.

Three years ago he joined the Democratic Innovation Department, where he has collaborated in the governance process of the Decidim community and currently promotes digital training, education and support for the new Democratic Innovation and Digital Athenaeum-Canodrome project.



Eloïse Gabadou

Consultant in digital democracy Open Source Politics

After graduating in Political Science and Economics at McGill University and University College London (UCL), Eloïse specializes in the sector of impact technology through her experience at the Liberté Living-lab. After a time as a communication officer within this ecosystem devoted to civic and social technology, she focuses on open data and SAAS solutions applied to democracy, government transparency and citizen engagement. Today, it is within Open Source Politics and with the free software Decidim that Eloïse works as a consultant in digital democracy for institutions, NGOs and private sector actors.

Speaking at



Eurídice Cabañes


Co-director of ARSGAMES, an international organisation with more than 12 years of experience focused on video games as a tool for social transformation. D. in Philosophy from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Cum Laude International Mention with the thesis titled Technology at the borders. Professor at various universities in Spain and Mexico.

She was the founder and director of the Fábrica Digital El Rule (now the Technology Laboratory) of the CDMX's Secretariat of Culture, and she advises and collaborates with the CENART's Multimedia Centre.



Open Network Expansion Association (eXO) -

It is a non-profit organisation that bases its activity on the work of volunteers and professionals from various ICT sectors. One of its objectives is to offer a cost-oriented Internet access service, i.e. to bring users the lowest possible costs and the least possible dependence on large corporations. Internet access is provided through the exchange point that the eXO occupies through the Free and Neutral Network Private Foundation of the Zona Franca neighborhood. It also makes use of carrier services from wholesale operators.



Francisca Keller

Chilean Feminist Creative, Ms in Communication, Culture and Digital Citizenships -

Creative and feminist Chilean. Master in Communication, Culture and Digital Citizenship (Medialab Prado & URJC).

Since 2014 she is Coordinator of Science and Citizenship Innovation at the Universidad de Playa Ancha in Valparaiso, Chile. She has been general coordinator of the Network of Makers, the VIII International Meeting of Creative Cities and the Ibero-American Lab Meeting, a meeting that brought together 120 laboratories of Citizen Innovation in Medialab Prado, Madrid. As an activist, she promotes the applicability of an ethics of care and a hacker ethic for a radical democracy in the Latin American region. Since 2018, she has been collaborating with the Decidim community, contributing to its mirror platform Metadecidim and, from 2020, being part of Decidim Association.

Speaking at



Gabriella Coleman

Digital anthropologist McGill University, Hack_Curio, The Tor Project

Gabriella (Biella) Coleman holds the Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy at McGill University, Canada. Trained as an anthropologist, her scholarship covers the politics, cultures, and ethics of hacking. She is the author of two books on computer hackers and the founder and editor of Hack_Curio, a video portal into the cultures of hacking. Committed to public ethnography, she routinely presents her work to diverse audiences, teaches undergraduate and graduate courses, and has written for popular media outlets, including the New York Times, Slate, Wired, MIT Technology Review, Huffington Post, and the Atlantic. She sits on the board of The Tor Project



Gala Pin


Gala Pin has been involved in the defence of rights and freedoms in the digital era and in the defence of the right to the city since her arrival in Barcelona (2003), first in the squatting movement, later in the neighbourhood movement and the PAH and finally as councillor of Ciudad Vella and Participation (2015-2019), where she was politically responsible for the Decidim project. Currently she is trying to start new projects in the post-institutional stage. 



Geert Lovink

Media theorist and Internet critic Institute of Network Cultures

Media theorist, internet critic and author of Uncanny Networks (2002), Dark Fiber (2002), My First Recession (2003), Zero Comments (2007), Networks Without a Cause (2012), Social Media Abyss (2016), Organisation after Social Media (with Ned Rossiter, 2018) and Sad by Design (2019). In 2004 he founded the Institute of Network Cultures at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. His centre organizes conferences, publications and research networks such as Video Vortex (online video), Unlike Us (alternatives in social media), Critical Point of View (Wikipedia), Society of the Query (the culture of search), MoneyLab (internet-based revenue models in the arts). Recent projects deal with digital publishing and the future of art criticism.



Inés Binder

Social communicator la_bekka

Inés Binder is a social communicator. She does research on feminism, technologies and communication policies. She is co-founder of the Center for Radio Productions (CPR) and is part of the hackfeminist space la bekka. She is the author of For a radiophonic cyberfeminism. Breadcrumbs for the production of feminist and free podcasts; and co-author of How to set up a feminist server with a home connection and Politizacing technology. Community radio and the right to communication in digital territories. She gives workshops on digital security for activists, feminist digital self-defense, and free software.




Ingrid Guardiola

Cultural researcher. Associate professor at the UdG

Professor, audiovisual programmer, director and essayist. From all these facets she has contributed to reflection and public debate on television formats and the role of images and technological devices in the contemporary world. Curator of the "Soy Cámara" project, a laboratory of new audiovisual formats produced by the CCCB, member of the programming committee of the Barcelona Quality Television Exhibition (MINIPUT), which she directed between 2002/18. She holds a PhD in humanities from Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and has been an associate professor at the University of Girona since 2009. From the academy she has carried out research on gender, inequality and technology within the framework of culture and audiovisual practice. In her essay L'ull i la navalla (Arcàdia, 2018, winner of the Serra d'Or d'Assaig 2018 Critics' Prize), she analyses how images and data condition our private lives and determine the dynamics of the public sphere and communities.



Javier Sánchez-Monedero

Research Associate Cardiff University, Data Justice Lab

Research Associate at Cardiff´s school of Journalism, Media and Culture and the Data Justice Lab. His current research aims to fill the knowledge gap between social and media researchers and technology as well as to perform technological auditing and design proposals in the intersection of intelligent information systems and social justice. Javier holds a PhD. in Computer Science from the University of Granada and has been an Associate Professor at the University of Córdoba and the University Loyola Andalucía and a Research Intern at Real-Time Innovations (US). He has worked on several projects involving distributed systems and machine learning. His last projects were with the AYRNA research group at the University of Córdoba targeting problems of biomedicine, renewable energy and climatology among others. He has published many journal and conference papers with contributions in evolutionary computation, artificial neural networks, kernel methods and ordinal regression models and recently, in critical digital studies. Co-author of free scientific software ORCA with Pedro A. Gutiérrez and María Pérez-Ortiz.



Jaya Allamsetty

Senior Software Developer at Jitsi Jitsi

Jaya is a Senior Software Engineer on the Jitsi team. With a decade of experience developing video conferencing software she works mostly on the client side, tackling problems such as improving the cross-browser support and keeping the WebRTC API usage current. When away from the keyboard she enjoys spending time with her family and in volunteering time for local community events involving kids and families.



J. Nathan Matias

Assistant professor at the Cornell University, Citizens & Technology Lab Cornell University, Citizens & Technology Lab

Nathan studies digital governance and behavior change in groups and networks shaped by algorithms. He also organizes citizen behavioral science with communities of millions toward a world where the power of digital technology is guided by evidence and accountable to the public.

He is currently an assistant professor at the Cornell University Department of Communication and through the Citizens & Technology Lab.



Karma Peiró

Journalist specializing in Information and Communication Technologies

A journalist specializing in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) since 1995.

Co-director of Visualization for Transparency Foundation (ViT), to promote open data to empower citizenship and accountability of public information.

Co-director of Master’s degree in Visual Tools to Empower Citizens, Universitat de Girona (UdG) (1st Edition)

Co-author of the Report: «Artificial Intelligence. Automated Decisions in Catalonia», about ethics and data protection (edited by Catalan Authority of Data Protection- APDCAT).  

Member of the Advisory Council of the Ethics Observatory in Artificial Intelligence of Catalonia (OEIAC), member of the Ethics Committee at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); member of the board for the Barcelona Open Data Initiative; and member of the Council for the Governance of Information and Archives.

I publish articles in Contemporary Culture Center of BarcelonaCapçalera MagazineLa Mira.catTheknos and Think by SHIFTA.

Lecturer in seminars and debates related to data journalism, ethics of artificial intelligence, transparency of information, open data and digital communication.



Kelly McBride

Director of the Democratic Society in Scotland Democratic Society in Scotland

Kelly is the Director of the Democratic Society in Scotland. Based in Edinburgh, she leads on work related to open government and deliberative democracy across the organisation. She has over a decade’s experience designing and facilitating participatory and deliberative events and processes, bringing a background in community engagement.

Speaking at



Lars Kaiser

Urbanist at Urban Equipe Urban Equipe

Lars Kaiser is a spatial planner and urbanist. After his degree at ETH Zürich in spatial development and infrastructure systems, he joined the association Urban Equipe ( as a project manager. He co-initiated the first participatory budget test run in Zürich, the „Quartieridee“ (, and co-founded the „Forum E-Participation Switzerland“, which aims to further spread and coordinate the use of online participatory platforms in Switzerland. Committed to various initiatives and associations, he aims to strengthen the voice of civil society in political processes by exploring new methods and tactics of participation.

Speaking at



Lorena Torró

Director of the Confederation of Cooperatives of Catalonia

Born in Olot and resident in Granollers since 2004. Diploma in Social Education by the UNED, Postgraduate in Social and Cooperative Economy at the UAB and specialization training in microenterprise management at the UOC. Currently, and since 2004, she works in the field of cooperatives and social econo



Luce Prignano

Co-founder of Heuristica Heuristica

Luce Prignano is currently a researcher at the University of Barcelona. Trained as physicist, she has spent more than 10 years using science’s magnifying glass of complex systems to get involved in other disciplines.

She has been participating in research projects on various topics ranging from the synchronization of light flashes from fireflies to the origin of road networks in the iron age, from paleodemography to the study of misinformation in social networks.

She is a founding member of the cultural association Heuristica ( with which she develops activities in the field of scientific training and communication.



Lucía Martín

Councilor for Housing and Rehabilitation of the Sant Andreu District

Lucia Martín, Councillor for Barcelona En comú, she has highlighted the diversity of the neighbourhoods of Sant Andreu and the growth in public housing and the rehabilitation of properties planned for this term.

She is a chemical engineer and has doctoral studies in Environmental Sciences. She has worked in the inspection of waste treatment plants and studying biological processes to eliminate pollutants from the environment. She has taken part in protest activities at the Candela Athenaeum.

In 2009 she was part of the group that promoted the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages, where she made contact with the current mayoress AdaColáis. In the Congress elections of 2015 and 2016 she was elected as a member of the En Común Podem coalition for Barcelona.

Speaking at



Marc Serra Solé

Councillor for Citizenship and Participation Rights of Barcelona City Council and Councillor for the district of Sants Montjuïc Barcelona City Hall

Marc Serra Solé, Councillor for Citizenship and Participation Rights of Barcelona City Council and Councillor for the district of Sants Montjuïc. Jurist and sociologist. He worked during the 2015-2019 mandate as advisor of the third tenure of mayor in the Area of Citizenship Rights, Participation and Transparency from where, among other things, was one of the promoters of the new Office for Non-Discrimination and one of those responsible for active registration policies and the Neighbourhood Document to prevent the expulsion and detention of immigrants in an irregular situation. In addition, he has been coordinator of the strategy of the popular accusation in the case for the police charges of 1 October in which the City Council of Barcelona is personified. Previously he was part of the platform "Tanquem els CIE" and collaborated with several entities of defense of the human rights of the city. He co-directed the documentary "Tarajal: desmuntant la impunitat a la frontera sud".

Speaking at



Marilín Gonzalo


Journalist specializing in digital media. She has taken part in projects related to journalism, data verification, media and technology in Spain, Argentina and other countries. Speaker and professor, she has a degree in Journalism from the Universidad Complutense (Madrid) and a degree in Social Communication with a focus on Journalism from the UCSE (Argentina). She has been Product Manager and Technology Editor at and Vozpópuli. She has written about technology and society in different media, such as EL PAÍS,, Vozpópuli, La Marea, the Huffington Post, Agenda Pública and Newtral. Since 2018 he has been working at Newtral with the first team of journalists to do fact-checking in Spain, where he handles digital strategy issues in the newsroom, as well as publishing. On Twitter he is @marilink and since 2004 he writes about internet, media and digital culture at



Mariona A. Cíller

Co-Founder and creative director of SokoTech SokoTech

Cum laude from the University of Illinois with a double major in Fine Arts (B.F.A.) in Visual Communication and Art History disciplines. Master of Science (M.Sc), Mass Media & Management Studies, and Assistant Professor at the same university teaching classes on free software tools and open culture. Posteriorly graduated from the Fab Academy (CBA/MIT) with a diploma in Digital Fabrication and Electronics. Her thesis Free Culture Project, which fuses the potential of technology with the transforming power of education, is a turning point in her career towards territories of reinvention of the world of teaching and learning hand in hand with emerging technologies.

In 2015 co-founded SokoTech, a digital social innovation laboratory, bringing together an intersectoral team of experts in the conception and production of projects on the humanities, science, and technology frontier. Postgraduate in Design Research & Management Educational Evaluation and Research by the Higher Institute of Education and Sciences of Lisbon (ISEC); Currently, she is pursuing a doctorate in Computer Sciences & Human-Computer Interaction in Digital Making at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).



Marta Anducas

Hybrid Participation Facilitator Platoniq

Marta learned computer engineering at the UPF in Barcelona, participation in the Andean and Amazonian communities of Peru, creativity in her own search, and feminism in the oppression of psychological abuse. In 2019, her paths converged in Platoniq, an organisation where Creativity and Democracy coincide.

Speaking at



Martu Isla

Trans-hack-feminist activist la_bekka

Martu Isla is a trans-hack-feminist activist and promoter of the feminist hacklab la_bekka. She is a technic in management of informatic systems and since 2016 has been providing training and accompaniment in digital protection for women human rights defenders and feminist activists in the Spanish state.



Matías Toledo

Activist -

Chilean activist.  Director of the NGO Rayito de Luz Open Center for work with children at social risk. He has been part of different spaces of political militancy and counter-information media such as the Enrique Torres radio station, the collective Hijos de la Calle, the Popular Photography Students' Front and the Photographic Front. He actively participated in the Penguin Revolution in 2006 and since 2012 he has been integrated into different spaces of social articulation in the southern zone of Santiago, founding in 2018 the Coordinadora Social Shishigang.

Speaking at



Mauricio Mejia

OECD - Open and Innovative Government Team OECD

Born and raised in Mexico City, he graduated - both bachelor on Political Sciences and Latin American Studies and master on International Relations and Public Policy - from Sciences Po Paris. At Etalab, the French Prime Minister’s task force for open data and open government, he contributed to the organisation of the Open Government Partnership Summit in Paris, and France's 2nd National Action Plan. He then joined the French Parliament to translate the open government principles into legislative actions. As chief of staff of MP Paula Forteza, we pushed forward several initiatives to foster transparency and participation in Parliament. Currently at the OECD - Open and Innovative Government Team, he works on Latin America, Open State and innovative ways of citizen participation. He also teaches the class “Updating democracy / Rebooting the State” at Sciences Po Paris.


Speaking at



Mel Stevens

Director of Programmes at Demsoc -

Mel is Director of Programmes at Demsoc and she is a specialist in developing strategy and practice for all forms of evidence-based decision making and participation. She has worked with a range of public sector clients and organisations to help them respond to a complex and often fragmented world through participation and inclusion as a way of sense- making, harnessing insights and working collaboratively to make decisions. 

Speaking at



Olivier Schulbaum

Head of R&D at Platoniq, Creativity and Democracy Platoniq. Goteo

A collective of allied designers, researchers, makers, and techies with experience in social change and civic engagement. Create participatory processes and tools for participation with the lens of design and data justice that interweave the concerns and impact on the most adversely affected to engage more meaningful and inclusive participation. Olivier Schulbauum is the head of RD at platoniq, Creativity and Democracy.



Pablo Aragón

Research scientist. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Eurecat

Pablo Aragón is a research scientist at the Data Science & Big Data Analytics unit in Eurecat and an Adjunct professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. His research focuses on understanding social and political phenomena through the analysis of data from the Internet. He is particularly interested in characterizing online participation in civic technologies, the online network structures of grassroots movements and political parties, and the technopolitical dimension of networked democracy. Pablo is also a board member of Decidim, and co-founder of the Democratic Innovation Lab of Barcelona and the DatAnalysis15M research network.



Paz Peña

Consultant in technology, human rights and feminism Al Sur, Acoso.Online

Independent researcher in technology, human rights and feminism. She is the secretary of Al Sur, a grouping of 11 organisations from seven Latin American countries working on digital rights. Co-creator of Acoso.Online, a website with information and recommendations for victims of "non-consensual pornography" on the Internet. Since 2014 she has also been a member of the collaborative council of Coding Rights, Brazil.  For eight years she was advocacy director for Digital Rights Latin America and public leader of Creative Commons Chile. She is a journalist and holds a degree in Social Communication (Pontificia Universidad Católica Valparaíso, Chile) and a Master's degree in Gender and Cultural Studies, with specialization in Social Sciences (Universidad de Chile).



Red Levadura

Citizen's network to counter hate speech and fear -

Red Levadura is an initiative of people who have come together online in the wake of the pandemic, concerned about the rise of hate speech and fear. Its aim is to educate about misinformation at this historical moment and to generate constructive dialogue for the future. It now includes a diverse group of more than 400 people: journalists, psychologists, health workers, environmentalists, data experts, NGOs, creatives, pensionists... and many other profiles that are essential to join forces and build a better future together.



Renata Ávila

Stanford Race and Technology Fellow Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity and co-founder of the Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms

Renata Avila, (Guatemala), is a lawyer, author and advocate. She brings more than fifteen years of experience in technology and human rights. She is a 2020 Stanford Race and Technology Fellow at the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity in partnership with the Stanford Institute of Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence. She is a co-founder of the <A+> Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms, which aims to bring more equality and social justice to digitisation and automation and future labour policies. Expert in digital rights, she studies the politics of data, the evolution of transparency, and their implications on trade, democracy and society, alerting about a phenomenon she describes as digital colonialism. She advocates for the right to publish and defends whistleblowers and journalists speaking truth to power.

She is a Board member for Creative Commons. She also serves as a Board Member of the Common Action Forum and a Global Trustee of the Think Tank Digital Future Society.



Sergi Alonso

Co-founder of CoopDevs CoopDevs

He has been working in the web world since 2004, specializing in communication, marketing and digital project management. In 2009 his personal path led him to turn to the development of time banks, he founded the ADBdT association from where the TimeOverflow platform is developed. Later he co-founded the cooperative Coopdevs, oriented to promote the solidarity economy through technology.

Speaking at



Sofía Esther Brito

Writer and feminist activist -

Writer and feminist activist. Graduated in Law from the University of Chile.

As a student she actively participated in the Chilean Feminist Wave of 2018. She has worked as a constitutional advisor and researcher in projects such as "Citizens' Practices for a New Constitution" of the Chilean Association of Non-Governmental Organizations, the regular FONDECYT project for a theory of deliberative receptivity in constitutional processes, "Citizens' Dialogues in a Comparative Perspective", and for the "Virtual Senator" platform, analyzing the 1980 Constitution and the New Constitution project. She is co-author of La Constitución en Debate edited by Lom ediciones in 2019, as well as compiler of the book For a Feminist Constitution edited by Pez Espiral in 2020.



Tayrine Dias

Researcher of Tecnopolítica and CNSC. Feminist Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Tayrine Dias is a PhD candidate in Information and Knowledge Society at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), in Barcelona. She is a researcher of Tecnopolítica and CNSC research groups, at IN3/UOC. Her current interests are feminist movements, contentious political practices and collective action. Her PhD thesis is focused on the Spanish Feminist Strikes and the (re)configuration of feminist activism in Spain. She also writes about right-wing digital activism in Brazil.



Thais Ruiz de Alda

Founder of DigitalFems DigitalFems

Thais Ruiz de Alda is a technologist strategist. She’s been online since 1999. She holds a Degree in Law (Universitat de Barcelona), and continued her studies with a postgraduate in sociology (Pompeu Fabra) and political policies PhD studies (Escola doctorat Pompeu Fabra). Expert in communication and digital media, previously, she has joined different projects, such as running the digital area in digital comms agencies, leading the digital strategy in Barcelona City Hall, starting up a webdoc production company, releasing the first webdoc in Spain and lately, as the Managing Director of tech consulting firm. She is also engaged with digital rights and digital commons activism and Gender and Tech activism, and has recently founded Digitalfems, and NGO to promote women in tech and the digital fields. She is also a regular collaborator of different collectives such as Liquen Data Lab, Dimmons, Metadecidim and Data Against Noise. 

Speaking at



Toni Navarro

Independent researcher -

Independent researcher specialized in gender and technology. He regularly publishes in media and magazines such as CCCB Lab or Teknokultura and has presented his work in spaces such as the Gelatine Festival of La Casa Encendida, The Institute for Postnatural Studies or FEM TEK Bilbao.

Recently he has given a prologue to the books Xenofeminismo, by Helen Hester (Caja Negra, 2018), and The War of Desire and Technology, by Sandy Stone (Holobionte Ediciones, 2020). He has also translated texts by Sadie Plant, VNS Matrix, Judy Wajcman and Helen Hester for the anthology Cyberfeminism. From VNS Matrix to Laboria Cuboniks (Holobionte Editions, 2019).



Vera Rojman

Software Developer

Vera defines herself as a "Lively human, curious person, code poet". She is a developer specialized in the Ruby on Rails stack, with an academic background in arts, software and video game development. She began developing new features for Decidim at the beginning of 2020, when she joined the Platoniq team. A couple months later she was given the DecidimFemDev grant, the purpose of which is to increase the number of female and non-binary developers who help build the Decidim project. Besides her professional life as a developer, she also likes to dwell in the arts and be part of social experiences that help shift the paradigm towards a more collective-oriented and sustainable way of living.

Speaking at



Xabier E. Barandiaran

Philosopher, Scientist and Researcher UVP/EHU University of the Basque Country

Xabier E.Barandiaran holds a PhD in Philosophy of Science and works on the transdisciplinary intersection of cognitive sciences and complex systems, collaborative innovation and participatory democracy. He studied the Master of Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems at the University of Sussex in the UK and it was there that he came into contact with the world of Artificial Life: a cross between biology, mathematics, computers, art, philosophy and engineering. He is a professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of the Basque Country, attached to the School of Social Work and a researcher at the IAS-Research Centre for Life, Mind and Society. Xabier has been a founding member of the Decidim project, of which he is still a member, coordinator of Democratic Innovation and advisor to Barcelona City Council, co-founder of the Spanish Network of Research in Cognitive Sciences, co-founder of (Laboratory of collaborative practices) and of the project el Buen Conocer/Flok Society.


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