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Changes at "Welcome"

Avatar: Andrés

Description (Castellano)

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    (en catalán)

    Binvenida al Decidim Fest 2020 a cargo del regidor de Participación de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona Marc Serra i la regidora del Distrito de Sant Andreu Lucía Martin

    🎥 Streaming:

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    (en catalán)

    Binvenida al Decidim Fest 2020 a cargo del regidor de Participación de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona Marc Serra i la regidora del Distrito de Sant Andreu Lucía Martin

    🎥 Streaming:

Description (English)

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    (in Catalan)

    Welcome speech to Decidim Fest 2020 from Marc Serra, Participation councilor from the Barcelona City Hall and Lucía Matin, councilor of Housing and rehabilitation and the Sant Andreu District

    🎥 Streaming:

  • +

    (in Catalan)

    Welcome speech to Decidim Fest 2020 from Marc Serra, Participation councilor from the Barcelona City Hall and Lucía Matin, councilor of Housing and rehabilitation and the Sant Andreu District

    🎥 Streaming:


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