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How can we improve deliberation in Decidim?

Avatar: Official debate Official debate Closed

Decidim aspires to be a democratic project for the future and this requires a continuous improvement of its software. The current redesign process is a way to guarantee this improvement. By opening this debate¹, we want to contribute to this process by delving into one of its key facets or possibilities: the deliberative one. Currently, conversations in Decidim take place through comments, which are enabled by default in most spaces (or components) of the platform, as well as through the Debates space. We would like to know your opinion about how the deliberation in Decidim could be improved. In particular, we would like to know what new functionalities (i.e. operational elements of Decidim's design) could improve debate and dissent, as well as consensus and collective decision-making.

This debate complements the LAB on Decidim and Deliberation of the Friday 3 June in Barcelona. This LAB is framed in the context of the DELMA project, a line of work of the >D2< open space for transdisciplinary and participatory research on the multiple interrelationships between data and democracy, led by Tecnopolítica. As for the debate we open here, it is promoted by the Decidim redesign and product team, together with Tecnopolitica.

Soon we will share a new prototype with relevant advances of the redesign. Stay tuned!

¹This issue has been addressed in previous discussions.

The debate was closed on 12/07/2022 11:36 with these conclusions:

Good morning, Thank you very much for your contributions! Your contributions will be of great relevance when implementing changes aimed at fostering deliberation in Decidim, as part of the redesign process of the platform. For those of you who were not able to come, here is the video (only in spanish) of the LAB on Decidim and Deliberation held in the framework of the DELMA project on 3 June 2022 in Barcelona, which complements this debate.

Discussion Questions:

  • How can we improve feedback and engagement to encourage and facilitate deliberative conversations?
  • In your experience, how does the Debate component work? What positive or negative experiences have you had opening debates?
  • What use cases are useful to think about how to improve Debates? What other platforms can serve as an inspiring example?
  • What new features should the Debates component incorporate and why? How do we deal with the polarization that can occur in this type of space?
  • Can we imagine Decidim as a space to have a global conversation? What needs to improve to get to this stage?

We already have the video of the LAB Metadecidim session - Session 17. decidem.delibera: Deliberative Democracy in Decidim! Check it out right here if you couldn't come to the LAB.

Avatar: Pauline Bessoles Avatar: Sara Suárez Avatar: Juan +5 Comment


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