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Changes at "Initiatives : "There has been a bugg with your server""

Avatar: Deloustal Deloustal

Title (English)

  • +Initiatives : "There has been a bugg with your server"

Body (English)

  • +

    **Describe the bug** There has been a bugg with your server **To Reproduce** Logged in as an administrator, I clicked on create « new intiative type » and got the error **Expected behavior** Create my 1st intiative type in order to create an initiative **Screenshots** Not applicable **Stacktrace** If applicable, add the error stacktrace to help explain your problem. **Extra data (asple complete the following information):** - Server Device: [Desktop] - Device OS: [Lubuntu 18,04 I386] - Browser: [Firefox] - Decidim Version: [e.g. 0.24,1] - Decidim 1st installation: [both manual platoniq for 18,04 and script] **Additional context** I’m not ssl yet front end device from which I call the server is desktop ubuntu 18,04 amd64


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