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Changes at "Metric for Participants in the Admin Dashboard is too high"

Avatar: Ariadna Vila Ariadna Vila

Title (English)

  • +Metric for Participants in the Admin Dashboard is too high

Body (English)

  • +

    Describe the bug
    The participants count in the home page stats is very different from the participants count in the admin dashboard. This difference increases in applications that have been running for many years.

    In the home page the count corresponds with confirmed users.
    In the admin dashboard the count corresponds with the :users metric. There are 3 metrics related with the users: users, participants, users state count.

    Then the admins get confused because they see different values for the same "Participants" statistic in the home page and in the dashboard.

    Expected behavior
    As an admin, when I see the metrics in the dashboard I expect to have clear titles on the meaning of the counters or maybe the dashboard should has the same value as in the home page.

    Github issue.


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