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Changes at "Error relating proposal to budget projects"

Avatar: JosanFFiG JosanFFiG

Title (Català)

  • +Error relating proposal to budget projects

Body (Català)

  • +
    • Describe the bug
      Not able to relate a proposal to a budget project
    • To Reproduce
      Steps to reproduce the behavior:
    1. Budget component
    2. Edit a project
    3. Scroll to Proposals - Select proposal
    4. Search proposal, by ID for exemple
    5. System shows circle loading icon... and that's all.
    • A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen:
      We expect system to return the proposal searched in order be able to select it and relate it to the project.
    • Decidim Version: 0.24.3
    • Decidim installation:

    • Additional information:
      We have notice that there's a 500 error on console.


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