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405 proposals

Media picture: Error maquetació serveis a les trobades

Error maquetació serveis a les trobades

Not answered

Activar invitacions trobada

Not answered

Loading wrong default locale

Not answered
Media picture: Pages display order is not the same in 'pages/index' and in the main_footer

Pages display order is not the same in 'pages/index' and in the main_footer

Not answered

Minuts de trobada

Not answered

L'input tipus date_field no funciona correctament quan s'entra la data manualment.

Not answered

L'enllaç del #hashtag es incorrecte

Not answered

El nou buscador, està mostrant propostes que no estan públicades

Not answered

Can not secure Consultations with verifiers

Not answered
Media picture: Header snippets field can't be updated

Header snippets field can't be updated

Not answered

Ordre els processos a la pàgina processos

Not answered
Media picture: Encuentros duplicados en portada

Encuentros duplicados en portada

Not answered
Media picture: Time error configuration on debates

Time error configuration on debates

Not answered

Error 500 when creating a participatory text without an uploaded file

Not answered

Participant cannot vote (suppport proposal) if authorized

Media picture: Conversation threads don't diplay in the correct order (most recent first)

Conversation threads don't diplay in the correct order (most recent first)

Not answered

A user can reply to a comment even though comments are blocked

Not answered

Continuity badge counter does not reset

Not answered
Media picture: User invitation form doesn't render the text of the newsletter checkbox in the contact permissions section

User invitation form doesn't render the text of the newsletter checkbox in the contact permissions section

Not answered
Media picture: The proposal sidebar layout is broken on tablet portrait screens

The proposal sidebar layout is broken on tablet portrait screens

Not answered
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