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408 proposals

Official proposals in sortitions
[CRITICAL] Vote/support button not responsive
Continuity badge counter does not reset
Interface: Use of 'support' to mean 'vote' can be confusing
Error 500 after creating a sub assemblee which disappears from the assemblles list
Les insígnies no contabilitizen correctament els followers del meu perfil
Titol dades estadístiques processos
User group can endorse several times a same proposal
Random order is re-calculated when user goes back to proposals list
Impossible to create component Sortitions
The proposal sidebar layout is broken on tablet portrait screens
Error when creating new scope for initiative type
Limitation of characters in "creating" step initiatives
As an admin, I should be able to preview an unpublished component
Participació en xifres surt els quadres en negre.
Duplicate children assembly displays as a mother assembly
Error de servidor al aceptar invitación a
Administration of User Officialitation
Incomplete url in notifications for add a file
Extra useless button in the admin page for accountability statuses
I can see comments and endorsements icons when they are disabled
Create debates as a normal user in a private assembly
No funciona el enlace de invitación a admin
Public profile navigation broken on narrow mobile screens
Pages display order is not the same in 'pages/index' and in the main_footer
Linking Assemblies
Can not secure Consultations with verifiers
Invitations to Initiatives are sent before they are published
Missing some translations for Euskera and Galician in 0.14.1
Paging error in metadecidim reporting bugs
Procesos privados no funcionan
Custom colors don't seem to apply everywhere
The filter by scope to initiatives doesn't work
The process stats counters don't count well all the parameters
Apareix el nombre de vots amagats
User mention doesn't work always
[WCAG 2.1 / AA: 3.2.3, 3.2.4] Accessibility violations on button and link styling
No puc accedir a les trobades del procés de benvinguda
Stats for processes: Participants
Proposals can be modify even though they've received support or have been commented
Amendments can't be blocked
Can not hide a comment through moderation
No es descarreguen correctament les dades de text lliure d'una enquesta
Messages appear duplicated on conversations.
El nou buscador, està mostrant propostes que no estan públicades
Mentions to a participant are not rendered correctly in email notifications
Process filters not functional in IE11
Solucionar consumo continuo de espacio en disco (sin usar plataforma)
Editar proposta no deixa canviar l'arxiu adjunt a la proposta
Cambiar logotipo oficial pie de página
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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