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403 proposals

Afegir tĂ­tol de l'espai participatiu a la Card de trobades, al llistat general de trobades
Fijar tamaño de celdas y resolver problemas de interlineados en tarjetas
Error in posting a process
IE11 - Notification settings are not working
Nickname prefix wraps on certain view widths
Next meeting in Assemblies homepage is not correct
GeolocalitzaciĂł en sessions online
Impossible to see the public profile of a user who has a "." in its nickname
Missing part of url: notification where a file is attached
Comments are missing on the home stats
Threshold support/voting needs to be better distinguished from maximum votes
Impossible to delete a "survey" component
Posting a comment is very slow
Not able to follow another user
FIltering results via category
I can't edit a collaborative draft
Paging error in metadecidim reporting bugs
Feedback needed after Endorsing
Newsletter Preview
Unable to edit collaborative draft with attachment if attachment is enabled after it's creation
Terms & conditions preview is not readable on Register page
Types of initiatives are not displayed on left navigation filter-menu
Consultation icon does not display correctly on Notifications
Documents and collections should move up to the top of webhooks and related content in process page
Translation mistake on Initiatives component
Content sanitizing breaks proposal content
Tamaño del archivo del Documento de Identidad - Falta de aviso
Admin can delete a whole participatory process even if it contains elements
Conversations not generating notifications
Reason for account deletion
Proposal component crashes only in English for Roadmap process at meta.decidim
Differences between Metrics and Stats
Admin menu missing on assemblies
Participatory text - Amendments are displayed in the index of the participatory text
Impossible to make a form in a duplicate meeting
Problema con el servidor cuando pasas pĂĄgina de followers
Cannot access notifications on 0.10.x
Generar un usuario privado no queda en el registro de actividades de administraciĂłn [Asambleas]
Interface: Use of 'support' to mean 'vote' can be confusing
Es mostra malament la informaciĂł d'un resultat al mĂČdul seguiment
Meeting error with Geolocation active.
Titol dades estadĂ­stiques processos
L'input tipus date_field no funciona correctament quan s'entra la data manualment.
Error al crear proposta col·laborativa
Public profile navigation broken on narrow mobile screens
Unable to change Categories on proposals
Error 500 when creating a participatory text without an uploaded file
Broken metrics task: comment
Some activity types are never shown on activities block/page
Incomplete url in notifications for add a file
Results per page:
See all withdrawn proposals


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