Decision making process draft
The activities of the Coordination Committee are guided and communicated by the Committee’s agenda.
The agenda will be published on Metadecidim.Each item will note the date on which it was officially added to the agenda (see below) and kept updated by a representative of the Technical Office with its current status (i.e. ‘pending introduction’, ‘in progress’, ‘returning to Association for deliberation’, ‘in consultation’, ‘completed’, etc). Items are distinguished as demanding an immediate decision or as primarily informational.
Items may be added to the Committee’s agenda in the following ways:
An agenda item proposal is created on Metadecidim by a member of the Association and receives the support of at least 10% of Association members within 90 days of the initial posting. If/when this occurs, a representative of the Technical Office will add the proposal as an item to its agenda for the next Coordination Committee meeting.
A member of the Coordination Committee proposes an agenda item and the proposal is seconded by another member of the Committee. This may be done during a meeting or asynchronously. If asynchronously, the Coordination Committee must agree in advance during a meeting to accept proposals via a particular means (for instance, by email, Telegram chat, etc).
A member of the Technical Office proposes an agenda item and the proposal is seconded by a member of the Coordination Committee. This may be done during a meeting or asynchronously. If asynchronously, the Coordination Committee must agree in advance during a meeting to accept proposals via a particular means (for instance, by email, Telegram chat, etc).
One week before a Committee meeting, the agenda is ‘frozen’ and no new items (except for Urgent Items and informational items) may be added.
Sometimes the community has need of the Coordination Committee’s work on a time-sensitive basis. In these cases, a special ‘Urgent Proposal’ may be submitted by a member of the Association on Metadecidim, by a member of the Technical Office by direct communication to the Coordination Committee, or by a member of the Coordination Committee itself.
An Association member’s request for an ‘Urgent Proposal’ on Metadecidim will require support from 20% of Association members to be taken up as an urgent Agenda item for the Coordination Committee. This threshold must be reached within 14 days of the initial posting.
An ‘Urgent Proposal’ originating from the Technical Office will require the proposal to be seconded by a member of the Coordination Committee to be taken up as an urgent Agenda item.
An ‘Urgent Proposal’ originating from within the Coordination Committee will require the proposal to be seconded by another member of the Coordination Committee to be taken up as an urgent Agenda item.
When the Technical Office or other Decidim-associated body (such as a Local Chapter) begins a process of developing a legal agreement with an external entity (for instance, with the Ajuntament de Barcelona or Generalitat de Catalunya), it must, in a timely fashion, add an item to the Coordination Committee agenda to inform the Committee of the situation and its goals.
At the next available opportunity at a Coordination Committee meeting, a representative of the Technical Office (or other initiating body) will present the context and substance of the proposed external agreement. A summary written report of the proposed agreement, prepared by the initiator of the external agreement, must be made available to the Decidim Association via Metadecidim in the minutes of this meeting.
The Committee may nominate a member or create a subcommittee to advise and/or participate in negotiations with the given external entity. This member or subcommittee will work with the Technical Office/other initiator to support the development of an agreement with the external entity. In cases where the CC nominates a representative, the initiating body is obligated to work directly with them.
When a draft agreement has been developed, prior to its being shared with the external entity in question, it must be brought before the Coordination Committee.
The Coordination Committee will deliberate the agreement according to the process outlined in sections 7 and 8 below. At minimum, the deliberations will be reported to Association members in the minutes of the meeting posted on Metadecidim.
Once the deliberative process has concluded, if the decision is to proceed, the Technical Office/initiator may move forward with the external agreement.
Once the external agreement is finalized, the Technical Office/initiator must add an item to the Coordination Committee Agenda to provide a summary report/update.
By default, the Coordination Committee will address items in the order in which they were proposed.
Otherwise, the Committee President has the authority to prioritize items at a given meeting, with a key principle being to balance between operational efficiency and promoting diverse voices and issue topics.
Any member of the Coordination Committee can motion to prioritize a particular item; if another member of the Committee seconds this motion, a majority vote will confirm whether the motion is carried.
An ‘Urgent Proposal’ must be taken up at a Coordination Committee meeting within 72 hours of confirmation/approval, or at the soonest available opportunity to assemble a quorum of Coordination Committee members.
Agenda items must be addressed by the Coordination Committee within three months of receipt.
If the Committee cannot address the item in its normal meeting schedule within three months, it must schedule an extraordinary meeting to address the item specifically before the three month period has elapsed.
The Committee can vote to extend the period to six months before addressing an item (a simple majority will suffice). See above for obligations regarding ‘Urgent Proposals’.
Coordination Committee meetings require a quorum of at least half of the current members(i.e. 5 of 9) to be present.
This quorum must include the Committee President (or a designated substitute), and the Committee Secretary (or a designated substitute).
The Coordination Committee is responsible for meeting at least once every three months (although it is assumed that meetings will take place more frequently). It is responsible for scheduling sufficient meetings to uphold its obligations for addressing items on the Agenda as described below.
A representative of the Technical Office is responsible for scheduling Coordination Committee meetings.
The Committee conducts business according to the Agenda,as described above in Section 1.
It is the responsibility of the Secretary, or a designate of the Secretary assigned during the preceding meeting, to share the current Agenda with the full Coordination Committee at least 24 hours ahead of regularly scheduled meetings, as well as to keep the Agenda’s posting on Metadecidim current.
The President of the Coordination Committee, or a designate of the President, presides over and facilitates the meetings of the Coordination Committee.
The Secretary, or a designate of the Secretary, is responsible for recording minutes of the meetings and ensuring their publication on Metadecidim no later than one week after each regularly scheduled and extraordinary meeting of the Coordination Committee.
The Coordination Committee may vote (with normal procedures) to leave out details of particular discussions from the meeting minutes, for instance with sensitive personnel matters or with active negotiations with external entities. A simple majority will suffice to pass.
The Treasurer, or a designate of the Treasurer, is responsible for preparing a budget presentation and accompanying summary document in coordination with a representative of the Technical Office annually.
This presentation is to be added to the Agenda of the Coordination Committee once yearly, and an interim update should be presented to the Coordination Committee by the Director of the Technical Office at the six-month mark between annual presentations.
This same document and presentation should be posted to Metadecidim and presented at the annual General Assembly meeting of the Association by the Treasurer, the Director of the Technical Office, and/or by any other members of the Coordination Committee and the Technical Office who wish to be involved.
The same person may not fulfill the designate or official roles of President, Treasurer, and Secretary simultaneously.
Any member of the Association may attend a meeting of the Coordination Committee as a listener/observer by requesting a meeting link from a representative of the Technical Office or the Committee President at least 24 hours in advance of a meeting.
Any member of the Technical Office may attend a meeting of the Coordination Committee at any time.
Association or Technical Office listener/observer attendees may be invited to speak by a member of the Coordination Committee but they will not have any voting rights during these meetings.
The exceptions to these attendance rights are as follows:
A Coordination Committee member may propose in advance that a meeting be closed to non-Committee members. If seconded and affirmed by majority vote of the Committee, that meeting will be closed to non-Committee members.
The Coordination Committee is not permitted to close more than half of their meetings in a given calendar year.
The Coordination Committee must make public the general reasoning behind the closing of a meeting.
Only members of the Coordination Committee are permitted to vote in Committee decisions.
To confirm decisions of the Coordination Committee, the following procedure is followed:
The President or the proposer of a particular action item asks if deliberation is required. If no Committee members affirm the need for deliberation, the proposal is confirmed automatically.
If one or more Committee members affirm the need for deliberation, discussion begins.
At any time, a Committee member can motion to vote on the proposed action. If another committee member seconds that motion, the matter moves to a vote.
Votes during Committee meetings are by a show of hands or digital equivalent.
A simple majority of votes will suffice to confirm a proposal.
Votes may also, at need, take place on a digital platform pre-determined by the Committee for such business.
The members of the Coordination Committee can elect to delegate a decision to a vote and/or deliberative process by the members of the Decidim Association.
This must be proposed by a Committee member or member of the Technical Office, seconded by a Committee member, and approved by a simple majority of Committee Members synchronously or asynchronously.
In this event, a special committee will be formed by members of the Coordination Committee.
These members of the Coordination Committee may elect to solicit volunteers to join this committee from the Association.
The special committee will be responsible for designing and administrating a Metadecidim process for the deliberation and/or vote.
Any process created by such a committee must comply with the minimum democratic guarantees.
Any decisions reached through such a process are binding on the Coordination Committee.
This section is a placeholder until further articles, particularly the Conflict Resolution and Sanctions and the Consultative Bodies articles, are drafted.
At a high level, this section will specify that:
Association members have the right to appeal any decision made by the Coordination Committee.
Appeals will be directed to and adjudicated by the Democratic Guarantee Committee.
- Coordination Committee agenda item proposal (informational)
- Coordination Committee agenda item proposal (decision)
- Coordination Committee urgent agenda item proposal (informational)
- Coordination Committee urgent agenda item proposal (decision)
- Internal regulation amendment proposal
- Appeal to Democratic Guarantee Committee