Changes at "Marta Anducas (Candidacy for Coordination Committee)"
Title (English)
- +Marta Anducas (Candidacy for Coordination Committee)
Body (English)
Name of the candidacy (individual): Marta Anducas
Objectives of this candidacy:
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Fa quatre anys, Decidim va unir dos dels meus camins professionals: l'enginyeria informà tica i la participació comunità ria. Aquesta combinació m'ha permès créixer i consolidar-me en un rol que actua com a pont entre la comunitat i la tecnologia, especialitzant-me en el disseny metodològic de processos participatius, hÃbrids i digitals.
Em presento com a candidata amb l'objectiu d'aportar aquesta visió pont, capaç d'entendre les especificitats de la tecnologia i les necessitats de les comunitats; de proposar, quan sigui necessari, metodologies participatives que fomentin la co-creació; aixà com cuidar l'espai i les persones que formem part d'aquest projecte.
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Four years ago, Decidim brought together two of my professional paths: computer engineering and community participation. This combination has allowed me to grow and establish myself in a role that serves as a bridge between the community and technology, specializing in the methodological design of digital or hybrid participatory processes.
So my objectives as a candidate are to bring this bridging vision, able to understand the specificities of the technology and the needs of the communities; to propose, when necessary, participatory methodologies that foster co-creation; and to take care of the space and the people involved in this project.