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Possibility to configure the participatory space navigation

Avatar: AH AH
Currently the participatory space navigation shows links to all published components in a participatory space. It should be possible to configure this for each participatory space. People (including myself) also have a hard time using the "weight" option for the components as it may be hard to change the order afterwards when it has been already defined. Also people seem to find the option's name "weight" confusing because the items with the lowest weight will be the first ones in the navigation. The needs are: - Modify the name of the "The process" page - Hide specific published components from the navigation, even so that they don't appear under the "More" navigation - Create a second level navigation under a tab inside a participatory space. Under the second level navigation, there may be links to the components that are "hidden" from the top level navigation. - Link to pages outside of the participatory space (e.g. content pages or completely different sites) Related feature proposal but for different navigation:


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