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This proposal has been implemented

  • Reviewed by @product and included in Decidim Roadmap
  • Developed by Codegram
  • Available in release 0.22 via #6130

Disable email signup and signin

Avatar: Marc Riera Marc Riera Finished

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**

We have an upcoming project where the client requires that we disable email signup/signin in Decidim. Only OAuth strategies will be available.

**Describe the solution you'd like**

We'll add a new setting in the organization to enable/disable email signin/signups. It will be enabled by default, and we'll add a text explaining the importance.

This change implies hiding any email and password fields in the user account page.

**Describe alternatives you've considered**

Monkey-patch the code from the app side, but this would increase maintenance costs and would prevent other isntallations to use this feature.

**Does this issue could impact on users private data?**

It's related with user's sign up/sign in process, but I wouldn't say it affects their private data.



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