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Initiatives thresholds configuration

Avatar: Pauline Bessoles Pauline Bessoles Withdrawn

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Initiatives can be accepted or rejected at the end of signature collection period when they succeeded or failed to reach the support required threshold. It would be interesting to be able to implement different behaviors for milestones leading up to that that signature threshold (like for PP steps).

Three milestones already exist per default : 25%, 50% and 75% of the signatures required. When reached, a notification is sent. These are configured directly in the code and do not a have corresponding UI in the admin so that we have flexibility to configure it.

Describe the solution you'd like

As an admin, I want to be able to configure different milestones when configuring an initiative type scope.

As an admin I want to have a config flag that will make the jauge to be responsive to the milestones.

Ex : if milestones are configured as : Milestone 1 = 20% (10K signatures) and Milestone 2 = 100% (50K signatures). Then at first I want the jauge to display 10k when passed it can display the next milestone 50k.


  • /admin/initiatives_types/1/edit

Configurable milestones

  • [ ] Add config flag that allows admin to config milestone percentage
  • [ ] when clicked default milestones in editable fields that way the admin can set its own percentage
  • [ ] allow admin to delete a milestone
  • [ ] add a button "Add milestone" to allow admin to add a milestone

  • [ ] When all milestones have been removed, the default milestones don't apply
  • [ ] When the custom milestones percentages are disabled, the default milestones apply

Adaptable jauges

  • [ ] Add a config flag so that the admin can choose if wants its jauge to be adaptable to milestones


  • /initiatives : Change the initiative card gauge when threshold is reached
  • SHOW : /initiatives/i-1 : Change the initiative show gauge when threshold is reached

Describe alternatives you've considered


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