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Canvis a "Admin contact form"

Avatar: Virgile Deville Virgile Deville


  • -["

    **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**

    As user I might want to contact admins for support. But most of the time the email is to be found on help page inside a huge text (ex : \"Terms and conditions\") which is hard to find.

    **Describe the solution you'd like**

    Add a contact form on the main nav or on the home page.

    The contact form would have the following fields : name, email, message

    The contact form is accessible to unregistered users.

    Global admins receive a email notification when the formed is filled and sent by a user.

    **Describe alternatives you've considered**

    Alternatively we could add a link to create a conversation with an admin but that supposed I was able to create an account (most request we get are people who find it difficult to register).

    **Additional context**

    There is an existing issue in Github on this topic : https://github.com/decidim/decidim.org/issues/146

    **Does this issue could impact on users private data?**


    **Funded by**

    Ville de Toulouse might fund this.

  • +["

    **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**

    As user I might want to contact admins for support. But most of the time the email is to be found on help page inside a huge text (ex : \"Terms and conditions\") which is hard to find.

    **Describe the solution you'd like**

    Add a contact form on the main nav or on the home page.

    The contact form would have the following fields : name, email, message

    The contact form is accessible to unregistered users.

    Global admins receive a email notification when the formed is filled and sent by a user.

    **Describe alternatives you've considered**

    Alternatively we could add a link to create a conversation with an admin but that supposed I was able to create an account (most request we get are people who find it difficult to register).

    **Additional context**

    There is an existing issue in Github by Andres on this topic : https://github.com/decidim/decidim.org/issues/146

    **Does this issue could impact on users private data?**


    **Funded by**

    Ville de Toulouse might fund this.



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