Changes at "Use machine translation in notifications"
Title (English)
- -Use machine translation in follow notifications
- +Use machine translation in notifications
Body (English)
Is your feature request related to a problem? A clear and concise description of what the problem is.
As a user who follows a space or a user I receive an email notification when a new content is published. Sometimes the content I receive is not in my language which makes the email notification unreadable for me. I have to click on the link to go on the page and see the machine translation.
Describe the solution you'd like
As a user, when machine translations are activated (Feature introduced in PR 6127, I'd like to receive the machine translated version of the UGC (user generated contents : proposals, meetings, debates, comments) in the email notification.
To be clear I'd like the highlighted text in the attachement to be displayed in the language I selected on the platform.
Describe alternatives you've considered
Does this issue could impact on users private data?
Funded by
EU Commission
Is your feature request related to a problem? A clear and concise description of what the problem is.
As a user who follows a space or a user I receive an email notification when a new content is published. Sometimes the content I receive is not in my language which makes the email notification unreadable for me. I have to click on the link to go on the page and see the machine translation.
As an admin or moderator of a participatory space, I receive an email notification when a new content is reported. Sometimes the content I receive is not in my language which makes the moderation really hard. I have to click on the link to go on the page and see the machine translation.
Describe the solution you'd like
As a user, when machine translations are activated (Feature introduced in PR 6127, I'd like to receive the machine translated version of the UGC (user generated contents : proposals, meetings, debates, comments) in the email notifications.
To be clear I'd like the highlighted text in the attachement to be displayed in the language I selected on the platform.
Describe alternatives you've considered
Does this issue could impact on users private data?
Funded by
EU Commission