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Changes at "Send proof of response of a survey to participants"

Avatar: JosanFFiG JosanFFiG

Title (English)

  • +Send proof of response of a survey to participants

Body (English)

  • +

    **Is your feature request related to a problem? **

    Survey's component can be used for a number of different use cases, sometimes this registration notification would solve some of the complaints received from participants who claim to have completed the survey but do not have any way of proving it.

    **Describe alternatives you've considered**

    In addition to the on-screen notification of the response, it would be interesting for participants to receive some kind of record of their response.

    This proof of registration could be sent by email and be recorded at the same time as the participant's activity so that the participant can retrieve it at any time.

    **Funded by**

    No funding yet


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