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Changes at "Confirm that you want to desjoin from the meeting"

Avatar: Pau Parals
Pau Parals


  • +{"en"=>"Confirm that you want to desjoin from the meeting"}


  • +["

    La teva sol·licitud de nova funcionalitat està relacionada amb un problema?
    In the process of registering the meeting in Decidim, a button is generated where the user has the option to join. If you click the same button again, the user desjoin from the meeting. Because only one click is required, users sometimes inadvertently withdraw their registration.

    Descriu la solució que desitges

    If the user clicks the \"Going\" button a pop up will be displayed asking the user to confirm their action.

    Descriu alternatives que hagis considerat
    Open :)

    Context addicional
    This process reinforces the real intentionality of the user and avoids unwanted actions.

    Aquest problema podria afectar les dades privades dels usuaris?

    Finançat per

    Cooperativa SomEnergia



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