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Changes at "Server setup for Push Notifications"

Avatar: AndrƩs AndrƩs

Title (English)

  • +Server setup for Push Notifications

Body (English)

  • +

    Ref. PWA13.1

    NOTE: this feature is from a big development. See PWA discussion at GitHub.

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    As a Decidim implementer and sysadmin, I want to know how to configure my server so the app can send push notifications.

    Describe the solution youā€™d like

    I want instructions on how to set this up.

    At a minimum Iā€™ll need:

    • A rake task for generating the VAPID keys (rails decidim:generate)
    • Some ENV vars for setting the VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY and VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY
    • A doc in Services -> Push notifications explaining how to set this up and these keys in Configure -> Env vars

    Describe alternatives youā€™ve considered

    To not have these VAPID keys setup but AFAIK this is necessary for sending push notifications.

    Additional context

    See Step 1: Client Side in Googleā€™s guide:

    Before subscribing to a user youā€™ll need to generate a set of ā€œapplication server keysā€, which weā€™ll cover later on.

    The application server keys, also known as VAPID keys, are unique to your server. They allow a push service to know which application server subscribed to a user and ensure that itā€™s the same server triggering the push messages to that user.

    Does this issue could impact on users private data?
    It could have some personal data in some notifications (for instance, in the case of Messaging)

    Acceptance criteria

    • As a Decidim implementer, I have documentation on how to configure push notifications in the server-side
    • Given that Iā€™m a Decidim implementer,
      When I run rails decidim:generate
      Then I have the following output:

    VAPID keys correctly generated.
    VAPID private key is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    VAPID public key is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    • Given that Iā€™m a Decidim implementer,
      When I configure the VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY and VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY env vars
      Then the push notifications service is set up


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