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Changes at "A better Decidim in Docker "

Avatar: Hadrien Froger Hadrien Froger

Title (English)

  • +A better Decidim in Docker

Body (English)

  • +

    I use Docker for decidim instance, and the decidim/docker is helpful but not really actionable as it is. This proposal aims to push forward docker use inside decidim.

    Nowadays, my concerns for Decidim in Docker are: 

    • It needs to be ready to be run with sidekiq, puma and others (activestorage/activecable).
    • It needs more env variables to be configurable (caching/files in s3)
    • It needs some docker-compose to show integrations with initiative time-stamping, etherpad and e-voting
    • It needs some minor security improvements, to match common docker configurations for production:
      * no sudo user in the container
      * no needs of nodeJS at runtime
      * and other things too sensible to be describe here.

    The solution I would like

    • Remove decidim/docker repository that uses the generator
    • Improve decidim-generator
      * A Dockerfile production-ready
      * Add binaries to run: sidekiq/puma/actioncable/actionstorage.
      * Add env variables to configure the container: caching, files in S3, logs rotation, etc.

    Considered Alternatives

    I don't see any future for decidim/docker repository, as a Docker container need to run an existing app. I don't see alternatives for Decidim in Docker than a bump of the generator.

    An alternative to the Dockerfile placement would be to create a .deploy folder in the rails root, in order to have other kinds of developments, like:

    • .deploy/heroku/
    • .deploy/docker/
    • .deploy/digitalocean
    • etc.

    And then add a documentation to move files you want for deployment. I am not a big fan of this, because I think that Decidim should focus on one deployment method and Docker container is much more resilient.

    Funded by

    Octree Geneva is ready to develop this feature.


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