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Send a single notification when both proposals and proposals' answers are uploaded in bulk.

Avatar: Ariadna Vila Ariadna Vila

¿Tu solicitud de nueva funcionalidad está relacionada con un problema?

It can be said that it does. When using the feature that allows to upload proposals and proposal's answers in bulk from an external file, both processes' followers and participants recieve a notification for each proposal and answer.

If the file has 200 proposals, for instance, the user will recieve 200 notifications; also, if the user has activated the mail notification, he/she will recieve 200 mails in a row.

Describe la solución que deseas

We propose that using the "upload proposals and answers from an external file" feature, only one notification is send.

In that notification it can be shown a list of the new proposals or the list of answered proposals in order to give all the information. The process involved has to be shown too.

Also, the proposals listed should be linked.

¿Este problema podría afectar los datos privados de los usuarios?

We don't think so.



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