Changes at "Export of proposals as word.doc "
Title (English)
- +Export of proposals as word.doc
Body (English)
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Writing reports/documentation about deliberative discussions, i.e. discussion among participants about ideas needs a lot of time, when using current xls / csv -Export of proposals.
Describe the solution you'd like
For the Enhanced Textwork module (External link) (External link) (External link) we developed a feature to export proposals (including their comments, supports...) as word.doc, in order to make it easier to work with the results of a participatory process. We recommend to integrate this feature into the core, because it could save a lot of time and work. We would need to adapt the feature a little, because there are some differences between "proposals" and "enhanced textwork", i.e. concerning titles (no titles @textwork).Describe alternatives you've considered
Additional context
For those who want to see a document as example (It's just the export of a random test-process, hence it needs a moment to fully understand), you can download it HEREÂ (External link) or see the attached PDF.Does this issue could impact on users private data?
Eventually..., we mentioned the names of authors (could take them out) On the other hand the names are visible online on the platform as well, so shouldn't be a problem.Funded by
We already developed it for Enhanced Textwork (which is based on proposals-module). Would just need a few hours to adapt / finalize it for the general proposals-module.