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Changes at "Accountability from the front-office "

Avatar: Simonas Zilinskas Simonas Zilinskas

Title (English)

  • +Accountability from the front-office

Body (English)

  • +

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
    Currently the “accountability” component is administrated from the back office by platform admins.

    Some participatory budgets, where ideas are transformed into reality by the proposers of the projects, need to have public updates on their progress from the proposers themselves. Currently only admins can add content to the accountability component.

    Describe the solution you'd like
    We would like participants/groups to be able to use the accountability component from the front office. As the change is major, and we will not be able to do it by ourselves, we would be glad to shape the UX and technical implementation of this upgrade together with members of the community (especially the ones willing to join forces on this one!).

    Funded by
    Some funding may be provided by Open Source Politics and our clients, but not all, so this feature is actively looking for co-financing!


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