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Changes at "Publish posts in my initiative as a user "

Avatar: Lucie Grau Lucie Grau

Body (English)

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    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
    As an author of an initiative, when it passes technical validation and is published on the platform, I would like to have the opportunity to share news about my initiative or topics related to my initiative. However, there is little way for the authors of initiatives to relay information about their initiatives when they are published on the platform. Indeed, it is possible to add a blog component to an initiative but only the administrators can create posts.

    Describe the solution you'd like
    Especially for the platform of petitions of the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council, we have developed a module allowing the authors of published initiatives to create, edit and delete posts in a component blog of their initiatives.

    For more information, see screenshots below :

    Screenshot 1: As an author of an initiative, if it is published and a blog component is also published, I can create new posts from the front-office.

    Screenshot 2: As the author of the initiative, I can create posts just as an admin from the front-office.

    Screenshot 3: As the author of the initiative, I can edit or delete my post.

    Screenshot 4: As the author of the initiative, I can create multiple posts.

    Screenshot 5: If the initiative is still waiting for technical validation, the author won't be able to create post and a warning message will be displayed.

    Funded by

    Already funded by the Conseil économique, social et environnemental

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    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
    As an author of an initiative, when it passes technical validation and is published on the platform, I would like to have the opportunity to share news about my initiative or topics related to it. However, there is little way for the authors to relay information about their own initiatives when they are published on the platform. Indeed, it is possible to add a blog component to an initiative but only the administrators can create posts.

    Describe the solution you'd like
    Especially for the platform of petitions of the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council, we have developed a module allowing the authors of published initiatives to create, edit and delete posts in a component blog of their initiatives.

    For more information, see screenshots below :

    Screenshot 1: As an author of an initiative, if it is published and a blog component is also published, I can create new posts from the front-office.

    Screenshot 2: As the author of the initiative, I can create posts just as an admin but from the front-office with a button "New post".

    Screenshot 3: As the author of the initiative, I can edit or delete my post.

    Screenshot 4: As the author of the initiative, I can create multiple posts.

    Screenshot 5: If the initiative is still waiting for technical validation, the author won't be able to create post and a warning message will be displayed.

    Funded by

    Already funded by the Conseil économique, social et environnemental


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