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Canvis a "Customizable survey success message"

Avatar: Lars Kaiser
Lars Kaiser


  • +{"en"=>"Customizable survey success message"}


  • +["

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
    Often times, I would like to give additional information to a user after he/she succesfully submitted a survey (e.g. how he can further engage in the process or redirect them to another page). The default success message is rather short and does not offer any information. Often times, this information is specific to a participatory space.

    Describe the solution you'd like
    A open text field in the component settings where the success message can be configured. Additionally, have a checkbox which enables an automatic redirect to any given page.

    Describe alternatives you've considered
    It is possible to do the text configurations with term customizer, however this requires admin powers and some technical knowledge.

    Additional context

    Does this issue could impact on users private data?
    I'm not entirely sure about the redirects yet, or if decidim has any policy on that. Otherwise, there should be no concerns.

    Funded by
    Some funding might be available in Switzerland, open for co-financing



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