Changes at "Make sure admins save their changes before leaving"
Title (English)
- +Make sure admins save their changes before leaving
Body (English)
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
As an admin, when you're setting up things like surveys (and other parts of our platform), you need to remember to hit the "save" button to keep your work. If you navigate away or click elsewhere without saving, all your changes will be lost without any warning. This can be frustrating, especially since the save button isn't always easy to spot.Describe the solution you'd like
We're thinking of adding a warning pop-up message that alerts you if you try to leave a page with unsaved changes. This way, you won't accidentally lose your work.Describe alternatives you've considered
We've considered adding an autosave feature. However, creating a system that automatically saves drafts and manages versions might be more complex than just a simple pop-up reminder.sFunded by
No funding available for now as this is not really a feature but a usability improvement