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Changes at "Autodelete not confirmed users after 30 days"

Avatar: Aram Aram

Title (Castellano)

  • +Autodelete not confirmed users after 30 days

Body (Castellano)

  • +

    ¿Tu solicitud de nueva funcionalidad está relacionada con un problema?
    Now some users register an account but never confirm their account (sometimes because they mistyped their email and never received confirmation email msg eg.).

    The worst impact (beyond having zombie users) is reputation antispam of email sending system e.g. for newsletter sendings, etc

    Describe la solución que deseas
    Add an automatic rule to autodelete users without email confirmation after 30 days. Also try to notify those users weekly to ask for confirm their account and inform about autodelete rule.

    Describe alternativas que hayas considerado

    Contexto adicional

    ¿Este problema podría afectar los datos privados de los usuarios?

    Financiada por
    Maybe a city council


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