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Changes at "Would moderating content before being publish violate against decidim's social contract?"

Avatar: Eduard Eduard

Title (Català)

  • +Would moderating content before being publish violate against decidim's social contract?

Title (Castellano)

  • +Would moderating content before being publish violate against decidim's social contract?

Title (English)

  • +Would moderating content before being publish violate against decidim's social contract?

Description (Català)

  • +Dear community,
  • +
  • +I recently presented decidim and it's functionality to my supervisors. One remark that came up pretty quickly is the possibility to moderate content before being published.
  • +
  • +I know that there is the possibility to flag content as inappropriate and then to hide it.
  • +
  • +However, the concern came up that offensive comments or proposals posted in the evening or on Sundays will be online at least until the next working day (and if the moderators are out of office even longer).
  • +
  • +Would a module that gives ability to moderate content before publishing violate against decidim's social contract and thus negotiating the possibility of using decidim as participatory platform?
  • +
  • +Best wishes,
  • +
  • +Eduard

Description (Castellano)

  • +Dear community,
  • +
  • +I recently presented decidim and it's functionality to my supervisors. One remark that came up pretty quickly is the possibility to moderate content before being published.
  • +
  • +I know that there is the possibility to flag content as inappropriate and then to hide it.
  • +
  • +However, the concern came up that offensive comments or proposals posted in the evening or on Sundays will be online at least until the next working day (and if the moderators are out of office even longer).
  • +
  • +Would a module that gives ability to moderate content before publishing violate against decidim's social contract and thus negotiating the possibility of using decidim as participatory platform?
  • +
  • +Best wishes,
  • +
  • +Eduard

Description (English)

  • +Dear community,
  • +
  • +I recently presented decidim and it's functionality to my supervisors. One remark that came up pretty quickly is the possibility to moderate content before being published.
  • +
  • +I know that there is the possibility to flag content as inappropriate and then to hide it.
  • +
  • +However, the concern came up that offensive comments or proposals posted in the evening or on Sundays will be online at least until the next working day (and if the moderators are out of office even longer).
  • +
  • +Would a module that gives ability to moderate content before publishing violate against decidim's social contract and thus negotiating the possibility of using decidim as participatory platform?
  • +
  • +Best wishes,
  • +
  • +Eduard


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