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Decidim Association - Coordination Committee Meeting

  • Online
  • 17:00 PM - 18:00 PM CET

Attendees count

Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting

Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.


  • Presentación y saludo de Andrés
  • Presentación Kanban (Taiga)
  • Gestión
  • Subvención Ayuntamiento BCN
  • Subvención Generalitat
  • Poliza de credito
  • Private funding y sostenibilidad
  • Gobernanza
  • Debates pendientes
  • Política de partners
  • Socias
  • Comunidad MetaDecidim
  • Encuentros de la comunidad
  • Otros

Meeting Minutes

Assistants: Nil, Ali, Pauline, Txema, Maite, Antonio

1. Introduction and greetings from Andrés

Andrés informs the committee of the work he is doing, financed by Voltonic. He is part-time (17:30hs) for personal reasons.

2. Presentation Kanban (Taiga)

Nil explains how it works. From now on we will follow up the tasks with Taiga.

We take the opportunity to review the pending tasks and update their status in Taiga.

3. Management:

  • City Council: Process in progress -> at the end of February it will be approved and in March it will be ratified.
  • Generalitat: Maite is finishing the justification of the year 2022 and from there she is preparing the application/budget for 2023.
  • Credit Policy (Coop57): Pending settlement of the debt of 44,000.

The renewal of the policy will be requested for 2023. For this, guarantees of €22,000 must be provided (in the event that these funds are used and then not returned, the guarantors are liable for payment up to the limit of what they have guaranteed).

There may be guarantors who are not on the committee. In such cases, the guarantor should be summoned to any meeting of the committee that is to decide on the use of these funds, in order to participate with voice and vote.

4. Private funding and sustainability

Ali will create a document to start working on a Sustainability Plan.

There has been a meeting with Digital Ocean attended by Ali and Pauline. It seems that D.O. prefers to help projects like Decidim, which they reached through the Decidim partner page, by supporting events. It would also be possible for them to fund projects (that are on the Decidim roadmap) of the association that fit in with their objectives.

We propose to start drafting a project along the same lines: ask for funds for a specific project that fits in the Decidim roadmap, such as the creation of a new functionality or the improvement of others... or even the achievement of a 1.0 version of Decidim, including in this 'project' all the tasks that this entails.

5. Governance

  • Discussions to be held

It was agreed to work on two documents (Working groups and Community Calls) to be submitted to the General Assembly for approval in mid-February. Nil will coordinate the drafting of these documents.

These two documents will be the basis for the future internal regulations to be approved at the next General Assembly.

  • Partnership policy

Ali and Nil are contacting companies to set up meetings. Txema and others will attend some of these meetings depending on dates/times.

7. Other

Pauline passed a link to a discussion for us to read and discuss at next meeting:



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