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Decidim Association - Coordination Committee Extraordinary Meeting

  • Online
  • 17:00 PM - 18:00 PM CET
Avatar: Official meeting
Official meeting

Extraordinary meeting of the Coordination Committee to discuss the adherence to the "Technopolitics and Genocide: Solidarity with Palestine" Manifesto.

Meeting Minutes

Following the request of a member of the Association, last Tuesday we opened a vote to approve the adhesion to the Manifesto "Technopolitics and Genocide: Solidarity with Palestine".

The results of the vote were as follows:

  • Against: 2 (8.7% of the total)

  • In favor: 21 (91.3% of the total)


Total votes: 23

Participation: 50% of the census

Based on these results we started the meeting to discuss the next steps.

During the committee meeting, different points of view have been expressed on the debate that has arisen from the proposal to adhere to the communiqué.

Some people on the committee consider that it should be rectified, open more time for discussion and try to find a more consensual position. It is recognized, however, that the timing of the proposal and the open process in metadecidim require a decision in a negative or positive sense about the initiative, in a short period of time.

Other people consider that the vote commits us to abide by the results, since they have a legitimacy of origin (the process has been activated by an elected committee within the margin of action granted by the statutes and following the spirit of the same) and of result (91% of the people who have participated in the vote have supported the proposal). However, it is considered that the process could have been carried out in a better way.

In general there are several consensuses:

  • It is considered that the communiqué is not drafted in an optimal way to be unitary.

  • The limits and perfectibility of the way in which the decision was taken were recognized, and it was decided to seek ways to mediate between different sensitivities.

  • The debate in question has highlighted the need to structure clear rules for this type of pronouncements and decision-making, as part of an internal regulation and brand use.

After extensive deliberation, the meeting agreed to:

  • To make public the result of the vote in the metadecidim.

  • Based on the result of the vote, to adhere as an association to the manifesto.

  • To limit public communications about this adhesion.

  • To carry out a mediation process with some of the most explicitly positioned members and community members in relation to this issue, in order to help define the communication of the Association's position on the manifesto, incorporating the different sensitivities expressed in the debate.

  • Write a post on metadecidim, incorporating the plurality of visions in the public debate around the manifesto, recognizing the perfectibility of the decision-making process, and announcing a process to draft an internal regulation in the medium term.

  • Communicate the results and agreements of the committee today: publication of the minutes of the meeting in the open debate on metadecidim.


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