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Changes at "Decidim Association - Coordination Committee Meeting"

Avatar: Pauline Bessoles Pauline Bessoles

Description (English)

  • -

    Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.


    1. -
    2. Funding Projects

    3. -
    4. Process recruitment: Executive Management

    5. -
    6. Decidim Fest general assembly

    7. -
    8. Retreat 2024

    9. -
    10. Committee Renewal

    11. -
    12. Process Internal regulation

    13. +

      Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.


      1. +
      2. Funding Projects

      3. +
      4. Process recruitment: Executive Management

      5. +
      6. Decidim Fest general assembly

      7. +
      8. Retreat 2024

      9. +
      10. Committee Renewal

      11. +
      12. Process Internal regulation

      Description (Català)

      • -

        Reunió ordinària del Comitè de Coordinació.

        Ordre del dia

        1. -
        2. Fundraising

        3. -
        4. Proceso Reglamento interno

        5. -
        6. Decidim Fest

        7. -
        8. Job offer: Dirección Ejecutiva

        9. -
        10. Renovación Comité

        11. -

        12. +

          Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.


          1. +
          2. Funding Projects

          3. +
          4. Process recruitment: Executive Management

          5. +
          6. Decidim Fest general assembly

          7. +
          8. Retreat 2024

          9. +
          10. Committee Renewal

          11. +
          12. Process Internal regulation

          13. +

          Description (Castellano)

          • -

            Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.

            Ordre del dia

            1. -
            2. Fundraising

            3. -
            4. Proceso Reglamento interno

            5. -
            6. Decidim Fest

            7. -
            8. Job offer: Dirección Ejecutiva

            9. -
            10. Renovación Comité

            11. +

              Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.


              1. +
              2. Funding Projects

              3. +
              4. Process recruitment: Executive Management

              5. +
              6. Decidim Fest general assembly

              7. +
              8. Retreat 2024

              9. +
              10. Committee Renewal

              11. +
              12. Process Internal regulation


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