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Decidim Association - Coordination Committee Meeting

  • Online
  • 17:00 PM - 18:00 PM CEST
Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting

Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.


  1. Presentation of the new structure to the TO

  2. Executive Management contract

  3. Decidim Fest general assembly

  4. Retreat 2024

  5. Committee Renewal

  6. Process Internal regulation

  7. Association tools

Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Pauline, Ali, David, Txema, Antonio.

Guests: Andrés, Carolina, Julieta, Maite (Orellana), Nil, Tom (Greenwood), for OD item 1. Subsequently, they leave the meeting.

1/ Presentación nueva estructura

  • New salaried role of the association: Director of the Technical Office

    • Nil has been selected for the offer, he changes from Ferrer i Guardia / presidency to worker of the association.

    • Roles and responsibilities of the Director

      • Strategic leadership

      • Fundraising

      • Alliances

      • OT and human resources coordination

      • Project management

      • Product

      • Community and partners

    • Contact point between the Committee and the TO, but the Committee is also at the disposal of TO if need direct contact.

    • Chairmanship: Nil continues formally but on a provisional basis while elections are called and held to fill the vacancies (3) of the committee. Once 3 new members are elected, the committee will decide (elect) the presidency.

    • Functions and responsibilities of the Committee: art. 20 Statutes.

      • It remains the one who decides on the budget and it is the presidency that signs on behalf of the association.

      • Process of the internal rules of procedure will have to clarify the rules and the functions of each one.

2/ Executive Management contract

Normal indefinite contract, but things can evolveif it has to be made of high direction after new responsabilities attribution.

3/  Decidim Fest general assembly

4/ Retreat 2024

Postpone to after the election of new members (January/February).

In person + online for those who cannot attend.

5/ Committee Renewal

6/ Process Internal regulation

Presentation of the process design: Take advantage of the Fest to announce and explain how the process is going to be, objectives, etc., pointing out (making explicit) the points that have to be regulated in the IR.

7/ Association tools & Element animation

We need to answer on the issue of the GAFAM tools we still have.

Establish a timetable and start making changes to the tools used.


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