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Decidim Association - Coordination Committee Meeting

Attendees count

Avatar: Official meeting Official meeting

Regular meeting of the Coordination Committee.


  1. Committee elections

  2. Switzerland local chapter proposal

  3. Internal Regulations process

  4. Salary scales

  5. Job offer: Communications coordinator

  6. Decidim LATAM

Meeting Minutes

Hora: 16:00 CET

Attendees:  Xabi, Antonio, Pauline, Ben, Carla, Marta, Txema, Ali

Invited: Nil


1/ Welcome & Elections Coordination Committee

2/ Proposal to create a Local Swiss chapter

3/  Internal regulation participatory process

4/ Technical Office Salaries (pay scales)

5/  Job offer: Communication Coordinator

6/ Decidim LATAM

Meeting notes

1/ Welcome & Elections Coordination Committee

Date for the next CC meeting to be decided: 7th January

2/ Proposal to create a Local Swiss chapter

People from Switzerland have made us a proposal to create a Local Chapter in Switzerland.

You can see here the proposal in Metadecidim: 

Question: The right to be contacted first for new projects in Switzerland, for what? It’s not an economic partner
What happens when a non decidim-partner company get involved in the local chapter association? We should channel those to the association. 

To post on Metadecidim:

  • You can create the Local Chapter in a more informal way

  • To create a legal entity, we need to discuss it further and define the model, in relation to debates on governance around the internal regulation 

Requests for clarification:

  1. Could you please tell us more about the need to incorporate a legal entity in Switzerland? 

  2. How can we experiment with licensing of the Decidim trademark while reducing risk and taking only a minimal, reversible step for the time being?

  3. What is our model for translating/localizing Decidim regionally? Franchise? Delegation?

References on other organizations:

3/  Internal regulation participatory process

  • Drafting Committee has had the first meeting

  • We are discussing the design of the process

  • Relation between CC and Drafting Committee 

    • Drafting Committee should make recommendations to the Coordination Committee

  • Design of the participatory process

  1. Kick-off and selection of the drafting committee

  2. Setting the agenda and topics
    - Use Proposal component

  3. Drafting text

  4. Draft discussion & deliberation (amendments and comments)

  5. Review of contributions 

  6. Publication final text

  7. Vote and approval in General Assembly

  • Create proposals with the topics defined and explain why are them important to address.

  • Define a set of rules on how decisions will be made.

  • Define the criteria for prioritizing the topics. 

4/ Technical Office Salaries (pay scales)

The Technical Office have been working on a proposal for pay scales. The aim is to begin to order the different categories of work that we have, as well as to be able to offer workers a horizon of growth. The idea is that the salaries of each worker follow a logic that is shared and known by all.

You can read the proposal here: Proposta d'estructura salarial.docx  - Ali can help translate

5/  Job offer: Communication Coordinator

  • We have received funding from Foundation France to hire a new Community & Communications coordinator. 

  • We are working on the definition of it here: Coordinador de comunicacions -Job offer

  • Calendar: 

    • Open to submission until: 15 January

    • CV Review: 15 - 22 January

    • Interviews: 

  • We need to define who from the CC is going to participate in the selection process.

    • Ali to review profiles

6/ Decidim LATAM

Read the post about the travel to Brazil:

There are 2 possibles projects:

  • Decidim LATAM: 

    • Project: Building the LATAM community, organize a Decidim Fest and a Lab. 

    • Partners: OKBr, Instituto Cidade Democratica, Lappis Lab, Governo do Brazil, Gobierno de Uruguay, DataLat (Ecuador).

    • Funders: NED, Civicus, cooperacion internacional.

  • LATAM Govs 

    • Project: Help the governments to expand the use of Decidim at a local level.

    • Partners: Gobierno brasil, Gobierno uruguay.

    • Funders: BID

Minute of assembly - Translate from portuñol to english - Ali



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