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Changes at "15th Metadecidim Operative Session (SOM)"

Avatar: Alicia Mullor Alicia Mullor

Description (Català)

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    Data: 25-10-2018.

    Durada: de 17 a 19h.

    Objectiu: Explorar possibles models organitzatius per a la governança del projecte Decidim.

    Facilitadores: Alicia Mullor i Núria Baldrich.


    Obertura: Presentació de la sessió i de l’Agenda.

    Històries Decidim: Adrià Duarte (Observatori Internacional Democràcia Participativa)

    Fem Decidim:

    Verifica’t! Explicació del procés de verificació (Carol)

    Context i Presentació Model Sentilo, Mapeig + Criteris (Elisenda)

    Explicació de la dinàmica participativa i què volem extreure: explorar possibles models organitzatius coherents amb els criteris. Divisió en petits grups de treball i exploració pas a pas: Què et semblen aquests criteris? N’afegiries/Trauries algun? Buscar evidències (cada grup treballava dos criteris): Com sabrieu/notarieu vosaltres o l’entorn que aquest “criteri” és un fet? Creació de possibles models organitzatius (mapa visual): Quins creieu que haurien de ser els òrgans que representin i governin la Comunitat Metadecidim? Com es relacionen entre ells?

    Socialització de la collita dels subgrups i plenari: s’han penjat els treballs de cada subgrup (treball dels criteris i mapes de models  organitzatius elaborats). Un/a portaveu de cada grup ha presentat el treball realitzat al seu grup, prestant especial atenció a com el model respon als principis. Un cop vistos tots els murals, s’han penjat postits a dos paperògrafs que es corresponien a: a) Allò que han vist comú i b) Allò que des del seu punt de vista és incompatible amb els principis.

    Tancament i avaluació de la SOM d’avui: s’ha utilitzat una diana en la que ha través de postits es valorava el grau d’alineament de la metodologia utilitzada en relació al resultat que es buscava.


    Nous criteris que s’han afegit als previs.

    Evidències específiques de què signifiquen els criteris (com sabíem/notaríem nosaltres o algú extern que el criteri és un fet real).

    Tres mapes de possibles models organitzatius.

    Allò comú en els tres mapes elaborats i idees detectades que podrien ser incompatibles amb els resultats. A continuació es recullen els postits que els i les participants han generat (es recullen totes les idees, malgrat algunes es repeteixin: les idees repetides donen com a informació que són idees força):

    Allò comú:

    • Finançament ciutadà, crowdfunding (més independència).
    • I+D+I: Model de governança.
    • Comunitat.
    • Comunitat.
    • Sostenibilitat = desenvolupament + econòmic.
    • Sostenibilitat econòmica.
    • Sostenibilitat econòmica.
    • Governança democràtica.
    • Sistema democràtic.
    • Sorteig (assemblea).
    • Preponderància de la comunitat en governança.

    Incompatibilitat amb els criteris:

    • Model existent. Comitè executiu.
    • Replicar model existent amb adaptacions.
    • Nous llenguatges = pedagogia.
    • Funcions persones.
    • Rol de l’assemblea, comunitat vs patrocinadors.
    • Sobrerepresentació dels patrocinadors a dependència dels patrocinadors.
    • La usuària final està a la comunitat.

Description (English)

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    Date: 10-25-2018.

    Length: from 17 to 19h.

    Objective: Explore possible organizational models.

    Facilitators: Alicia Mullor and Núria Baldrich.


    Opening: Presentation of the session and the Agenda.

    Decidim Stories: Adrià Duarte (Participatory Democracy International Observatory)

    Doing Decidim: Get Verified! Explanation of the verification process (Carol)

    Context and Presentation Sentilo Model, Mapping + Criteria (Elisenda)

    Explanation of the participative dynamics and that we want to extract: to explore possible organizational models that are coherent with the criteria.

    Division into small groups of work and exploration step by step:

    What do you think about these criteria? Do we add / remove any?

    Look for evidence (each group worked on two criteria): How would you or the environment know that this "criterion" is a fact?

    Creation of possible organizational models (visual map): What do you think should be the organs that represent and govern the Metadecidim Community? How do they relate to each other?

    Socialization of the harvest of the subgroups and plenary: the works of each subgroup have been posted (work of the criteria and maps of organized organizational models). A spokesperson from each group presented the work done in their group, emphasizing how the model responds to the principles. Once all the murals have been seen, postits have been posted highlighting: a) What all the models had in common and b) What from their point of view is incompatible with the principles.

    Closing and evaluation of the SOM of today: a target has been used in which, through postits, the degree of alignment of the methodology used in relation to the result sought was assessed.


    New criteria that have been added to the previous ones.

    Specific evidence of what the criteria mean (as we knew / would notice ourselves or someone external that the criterion is a fact.

    Three maps of possible organizational models.

    The common in the three maps developed and ideas detected that could be incompatible with the results. Next, the postits that the participants have generated are collected (all the ideas are collected, although some are repeated: the repeated ideas are "strength ideas"):

    In common:

    • Citizen financing, crowdfunding (more independence).
    • R + D + I: Governance model.
    • Community.
    • Community.
    • Sustainability = economic + development.
    • Economic sustainability.
    • Economic sustainability.
    • Democratic governance.
    • Democratic system.
    • Draw (assembly).
    • Preponderance of the community in governance.
    • Incompatibility with the criteria:
    • Existing model Executive committee.
    • Replicate existing model with adaptations.
    • New languages ​​= pedagogy.
    • People functions.
    • Role of the assembly, community vs sponsors.
    • Overrepresentation of the sponsors to dependence of the sponsors.
    • The final user is in the community.
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    Date: 10-25-2018.

    Length: from 17 to 19h.

    Objective: Explore possible organizational models.

    Facilitators: Alicia Mullor and Núria Baldrich.


    Opening: Presentation of the session and the Agenda.

    Decidim Stories: Adrià Duarte (Participatory Democracy International Observatory)

    Doing Decidim: Get Verified! Explanation of the verification process (Carol)

    Context and Presentation Sentilo Model, Mapping + Criteria (Elisenda)

    Explanation of the participative dynamics and that we want to extract: to explore possible organizational models that are coherent with the criteria. Division into small groups of work and exploration step by step: What do you think about these criteria? Do we add / remove any? Look for evidence (each group worked on two criteria): How would you or the environment know that this "criterion" is a fact? Creation of possible organizational models (visual map): What do you think should be the organs that represent and govern the Metadecidim Community? How do they relate to each other?

    Socialization of the harvest of the subgroups and plenary: the works of each subgroup have been posted (work of the criteria and maps of organized organizational models). A spokesperson from each group presented the work done in their group, emphasizing how the model responds to the principles. Once all the murals have been seen, postits have been posted highlighting: a) What all the models had in common and b) What from their point of view is incompatible with the principles.

    Closing and evaluation of the SOM of today: a target has been used in which, through postits, the degree of alignment of the methodology used in relation to the result sought was assessed.


    New criteria that have been added to the previous ones.

    Specific evidence of what the criteria mean (as we knew / would notice ourselves or someone external that the criterion is a fact.

    Three maps of possible organizational models.

    The common in the three maps developed and ideas detected that could be incompatible with the results. Next, the postits that the participants have generated are collected (all the ideas are collected, although some are repeated: the repeated ideas are "strength ideas"):

    In common:

    • Citizen financing, crowdfunding (more independence).
    • R + D + I: Governance model.
    • Community.
    • Community.
    • Sustainability = economic + development.
    • Economic sustainability.
    • Economic sustainability.
    • Democratic governance.
    • Democratic system.
    • Draw (assembly).
    • Preponderance of the community in governance.

    Incompatibility with the criteria:

    • Existing model Executive committee.
    • Replicate existing model with adaptations.
    • New languages ​​= pedagogy.
    • People functions.
    • Role of the assembly, community vs sponsors.
    • Overrepresentation of the sponsors to dependence of the sponsors.
    • The final user is in the community.


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