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Changes at "Possible form builder alternatives have been researched an a new form builder can be presented to the design team"

Avatar: Lars Kaiser Lars Kaiser

Title (English)

  • -Deep dive into possible form builder alternatives
  • +Possible form builder alternatives have been researched an a new form builder can be presented to the design team

Description (English)

  • -


    • No jquery

    • only javascript if possible

    • AGPL license

  • +


    The current form builder lacks flexibility in the types of questions and the management of conditional questions (see this task for more information). We aim to use a Tailwind Form Builder UI system with licences enabling to share and redistribute Decidim (AGPL4 or MIT)

    Conditions for the formbuilder

    • No jquery

    • only javascript if possible (tailwind)

    • AGPL license


    1. Research possible alternatives adhering to the technical conditions and list them here. Check what other survey products (Gforms, SurveyMonkey, Limesurvey, typeform and so on) are using.

    2. Cross check which additional question types the form builder would enable and what other UX painpoints they would resolve.

    3. Make an informed decision on an alternative

    4. Present the alternative to the product team


  • -0.0
  • +10.0


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