Changes at "UX design to improve conditionnal questions in surveys is ready to be proposed to product team"
Title (English)
- +UX design to improve conditionnal questions in surveys is ready to be proposed to product team
Title (Català)
Title (Castellano)
Description (English)
conditional questions in surveys have raised several issues during recent years:
While it is clear some bugs are technical, it is also obvious that the UX can be improved to make configuration less confusing and prone to generating errors.Task description
A UX design proposal should be made to improve the UX of the administration panel, by respecting the following constraints:
Use a Tailwind Form Builder UI system with licences enabling to share and redistribute Decidim (AGPL4 or MIT)
When possible, use existing design patterns in the following order of priority:
Standard design patterns used in other products (Typeform, Google Form, SurvweyMonkey, JotForms, ...) and proven to be intuitive
Design patterns used in the Decidim Admin UI
Design in Figma, based on the existing design system:
Contribute back Admin UI components to the main design system
Design for errors: use helper texts and error scenarios with many constraints (i.e. survey length, a platform with translations into several languages, ...)
Get early feedback from the product team
Design process tip
Before spending some time in Figma, validate these with the product team:
Define the Admin userflow with all options possible (and error states)
Validate the Tailwind Form UI system with Product team before starting to build it in Figma
Design wireframes and iterate, then only design the final proposal in Figma
Description (Català)
Description (Castellano)
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