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Canvis a "Assemblea Extraordinària de l’Associació Decidim"

Avatar: Nil Homedes
Nil Homedes

Descripció (English)

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    All members are convened to the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Association.

    1. Official presentation of the new committee
    2. Update on the activity of the Coordination Committee
    3. Update of grants
    4. Renewal of the agreement Decidim-Localret-Barcelona City Council
    5. Upcoming translated official documents for new members (statuses)
    6. Partnership updates
    7. Presentation of the new electronic voting module made with Vocdoni
    8. Voting for approval of the document on community meetings with the Vocdoni module (see document attached)
    9. Document presentation and reading
    10. Questions
    11. Voting for approval
    12. Ranking people powered update (ranking)
    13. Future processes
    14. Open floor for comments

    In this assembly we will use the electronic voting module that we have been developing during these months together with Vocdoni. You can read the news here.

    See the results of the election

  • +

    All members are convened to the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Association.

    1. Official presentation of the new committee
    2. Update on the activity of the Coordination Committee
    3. Update of grants
    4. Renewal of the agreement Decidim-Localret-Barcelona City Council
    5. Upcoming translated official documents for new members (statuses)
    6. Partnership updates
    7. Presentation of the new electronic voting module made with Vocdoni
    8. Voting for approval of the document on community meetings with the Vocdoni module (see document attached)
    9. Document presentation and reading
    10. Questions
    11. Voting for approval
    12. Ranking people powered update (ranking)
    13. Future processes
    14. Open floor for comments

    In this assembly we will use the electronic voting module that we have been developing during these months together with Vocdoni. You can read the news here.

    See the results of the election


Si us plau, inicia la sessió

La contrasenya és massa curta.
