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Become a member

Who can be a Decidim member?

People over 18 years of age and organizations involved with the project and the Decidim community can be members. If you are between 14 and 18 years old, you can be a member as well, but you need the consent of your parents or guardians.

Requirements for individuals

Members can be those people who participate and contribute in some way to the Decidim community through any of the following modalities:

  • Participation in the community. Contribute knowledge or practical experiences to the project through various modalities (for example: organizing an event, regularly attending debates and meetings, promoting a working group, facilitating or presenting a session) in different community activities.

  • Development. Contributions to the code, project documentation, or software translations.

Requirements for organizations

Companies, cooperatives, associations, universities and other organizations that have agreed to comply with and sign the Social Contract of the Decidim project and that meet any of the following conditions can be partners:

  • Instance management. Manage one or more active instances of Decidim at the time of the request, for the entity's own use or that of third parties.

  • Training on the use and administration of the platform.

  • Contributions to the project. Contribute or have contributed significantly to the Decidim project.

What about institutions, cities and public administrations?

If you represent an administration or public institution and wish to be part of the association, contact us by mail: associacio (at) decidim (dot) org.

Rights of the members

Members have the right to participate in all the participation spaces of the Metadecidim platform with voice and vote, exercise their vote in strategic and internal decisions, elect or be elected in representative bodies, request and obtain explanations about the management of the positions of the Association, receive information about the activities and make common uses that are established. 

Check the list of all rights in the statutes(Opens in new tab).

Duties of the members

Members have the duty to commit to the purposes of the Association and actively participate to achieve them, contribute to maintenance by paying fees and other economic contributions and comply with the agreements adopted by the governing bodies. 

Check the list of all duties in the statutes(Opens in new tab).

What is the individual fee?

The annual fee for individuals is €40 per year. If you want to be a member and cannot assume this amount, you can write us an email and we will discuss it: associacio (at)

🟢 You can become a member through this form: in new tab)

What is the fee for organizations?

The annual fee for organizations varies depending on the turnover obtained the previous year on contracts related to Decidim. We also think that there should be a difference between organizations, depending on whether they are for profit or not.

For this reason, we have been inspired by how other projects such as XES (Xarxa d'Economia Solidària) are organized, and we have established the following percentage:

% annual turnover in Decidim contracts

  • Companies - 3%

  • Non-profit organizations - 1.5%


To formalize admission, write to associacio (at) We agree on a date and meet to specify the amount of the fee and the administrative details.

Are fees mandatory?

Yes, and they can be grounds for dismissal from the Association.

Participation mechanisms

The members are automatically part of the General Assembly. In turn, participation is organized from different bodies.

Why do these requirements exist?

We want the Association to grow bigger with the people and organizations that are really involved in the project. In this way, we try to guarantee that the debates, evaluations and decision-making about the code and about issues such as governance really serve to democratically grow the project and the community.

What if I don't meet the requirements?

We invite you to participate in the Decidim community, through its various channels that you can consult at So you can learn about our project, participate and opt to be a member.


Donations and supports

Do you want to support the project even without having a specific link with the community? You can make a donation or contribution through this form: in new tab)