The political fight in the digital age
🟠 Face-to-face: at the Canòdrom stage (It will NOT be streamed).Carrer de Concepción Arenal 165, El Congrés i els Indians, Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalunya, Espanya
🎙Xarxa de Ràdios Comunitàries de Barcelona
🎙IvooxThe rise of digital technologies in the new millennium has brought about a dialectical event of the first order. On the one hand, the more authoritarian structural tendencies of capitalism have been reinforced, while the exploitation derived from this system has become almost invisible thanks to the aesthetic component present in the technique. However, the last two decades of experimentation with digital tools have also revealed some cracks in the material regime that guides the world. The contours of neo-liberal ideology, and its drive to find solutions to social problems based on commodification, are more visible than ever. At least, if we look at how algorithms, big data or machine learning techniques deployed by Big Tech affect our lives. This conference tries to move along this fine line to elucidate what the alternatives and the political agenda of progressive forces can be to fight against the logics of technology companies and the capitalist system in which they operate.
In conversation with Marga Padilla.
* This session will be conducted in Spanish and it won't be streamed.