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Speakers Speakers (Decidim Fest 2021)



Aleix Martín Gómez

Head of the Strategic Planning Unit at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
<p>Master's Degree in Strategic Management of Information and Communication in Organisations, specialising in research. I have developed my professional career in the field of higher education. I am part of the UOC's Strategic Planning Office, where I am in charge of drawing up, monitoring and closing the Strategic Plan. I have also been the project leader in the design of the University's new strategic plan, where we have developed a new participatory process in the field of university strategic management, with the collaboration of the Tecnopolítica research group and the Goteo Foundation.</p>



Alejandra López Gabrielidis

<p>She has a degree in Philosophy, specialized in art and digital technologies. Her interest is focused, above all, on analyzing the relationships that are woven between the technical object and the body from a paradigm of distributed agency. She addresses these issues by combining theory and philosophy with criticism and artistic experimentation.</p><p>She currently works as a full-time researcher-in-training in the project "IN&gt;TRA. Collaborative artistic practice as a model of experience: new forms and prototypes in research processes", directed by IMARTE, Research Group, Art, Science and Technology of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona (UB). He is also working on his doctoral thesis on the new modalities of corporation-reality that arise in relation to the phenomenon of datification, under the tutorship of the UB and the University of Rennes.</p>
Speaking at



Alexander Rusa

Technology Lead at Decidim.Austria

Technology Lead at Decidim.Austria and mitgestalten Partizipationsbüro. Web- & Mobile-Developer and Cloud Solutions Architect. More than 10 years experience with Ruby on Rails. Keen on innovative solutions for the future of democracy



Alex Randaccio

Project Developer at RadicalxChange
<p>Alex Randaccio is a Project Developer at RadicalxChange. He is currently leading development of RxC’s suite of experimental governance tools.</p>



Alicia Valero

Director of the Industrial Ecology group (Institute CIRCE) CIRCE Institute, Zaragoza University

Alicia Valero Delgado leads the industrial ecology group at the Research Center for Energy Resources and Consumption (CIRCE Institute) and is a full professor at the University of Zaragoza in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Her research activity of more than fifteen years has focused on the identification of resource efficiency measures and the application of thermodynamics in the evaluation of mineral depletion, a subject for which she has received four international awards. She has authored or co-authored more than 100 publications in international journals and book chapters, all related to the analysis and optimization of energy and raw material use. She acts as an advisor to the European Commission in the EIP on feedstocks and participates in international round tables for feedstock criticality assessment.



Anasuya Sengupta

Co-director and co-founder of Whose Knowledge? Whose Knowledge?
<p>Co-Director and co-founder of Whose Knowledge?, a global multilingual campaign to centre the knowledges of marginalised communities (the majority of the world) online. She has led initiatives in India and the USA, across the global South, and internationally for over 20 years, to amplify marginalised voices in virtual and physical worlds. She is the former Chief Grantmaking Officer at the Wikimedia Foundation, and the former Regional Program Director at the Global Fund for Women. Anasuya is a 2017 Shuttleworth Foundation Fellow, and received a 2018 Internet and Society award from the Oxford Internet Institute. She is on the Scholars’ Council for UCLA’s Center for Critical Internet Inquiry, and the advisory committee for MIT’s Center for Research on Equitable and Open Scholarship (CREOS). Anasuya holds an MPhil in Development Studies from the University of Oxford, where she studied as a Rhodes Scholar. She also has a BA in Economics (Honours) from Delhi University. When not rabble-rousing online, Anasuya makes and breaks pots and poems, takes long walks by the water and in the forest, and contorts herself into yoga poses.</p><p><br></p>
Speaking at



Andreu Belsunces Gonçalves

Co-foundader of Becoming
<p>Sociologist of design and technology. His research focuses on how the technology industry, public policy, finance and infrastructures are entangled with social expectations to produce certain forms of knowledge and collective visions of the future.</p><p>He shares learning spaces at Elisava, UOC and ESCAC, among others, where he weaves together media studies, critical thinking, social sciences, speculative practices and research through art and design.&nbsp;</p><p>He is co-founder of Becoming, a collaborative research and design studio on emerging scenarios. His work has been presented at MACBA, The Influencers, Hangar, Sónar +D (Barcelona), Medialab Prado (Madrid), Sandberg Institute (Amsterdam) and The New School (New York) among others. He writes in different media and his work has been published in books such as Crossmedia Innovations (Peter Lang, 2012) and Design Does (Elisava, 2018).&nbsp;</p><p>Through Engineering Fiction he observes and experiments with the imaginary and mythological components of technological and scientific systems.&nbsp;He is also part of Tecnopolítica and Vector, spaces aimed at thinking about key challenges of contemporary digital cultures, societies and politics, from a critical and proactive approach.</p>



Arnau Monterde

Coordinator of Decidim Barcelona City Council
<p>Arnau Monterde is the Director of Democratic Innovation at the Barcelona City Council. He is one of the cofounders of&nbsp;Decidim project. He has also promoted the Laboratory of Democratic Innovation in Barcelona. He was the coordinator of the project at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3-UOC). He studies emerging forms of political participation and democracy in the network society. He holds a PhD in Information and Knowledge Society by the Open University of Catalunya.</p>



Baptiste Thivend

Data team Open Source Politics
<p><em>After a master's degree in computer science and numerous work experiences in volunteer organizations (repair café, third-places etc.), Baptiste went as intern in the civic tech company Open Source Politics, working as back-end developer on the free software Decidim. After this intern, he entered in the newly-created data team of the same company, having for purpose to study how data gathered could be handled and the legal issues triggered by those treatments.</em></p>



Blanca Callén

Co-founder Restarters Assosiation BCN
<p>Blanca Callén is a researcher and lecturer in the area of Social Studies of Science and Technology, collective political action and design. In recent years, she has been researching e-waste, waste and material culture. In this field, she is interested in informal responses to the problem of waste, research methodologies with objects and reparation as an onto-political practice in the face of eco-social damage. Her work draws on participatory methodologies, free culture and critical and eco-feminist thinking. She is co-founder and active member of the Restarters BCN Association.</p>



Carlos Bajo

Co-founder of Wiriko

He is a freelance journalist and social researcher specialising in the use of ICTs in Africa for social transformation and new social and citizens' movements on the continent. He collaborates with different media to try to disseminate the activities of the African digital ecosystem, which serves as an excuse for him to keep in touch with organisations and activists committed to bringing about social change in Africa. To complete his goal of sharing these experiences, in addition to his activities as a journalist and researcher, he teaches in a dozen or so programmes  

Graduate in Journalism (UN), Master in Cultures and Development in Africa (URV) and PhD student in Communication and International Relations (URLl). He dedicates his time to independent journalism, social research, teaching and communication consultancy for social organisations. His lines of work are the use of ICTs in Africa for social transformation and the new social and citizens' movements on the continent. In this way, he tries to approach the phenomenon and make it known from different approaches. He is one of the co-founders of Wiriko.



Carlos Díaz

Researcher Observatory of Human Rights and Business in the Mediterranean and Shock monitor
<p>Graduate in Criminology and History and Master in International Relations, Security and Development. Researcher at ODHE and Shock Monitor. Interested in the phenomenon of privatisation of security, Terrorism and Human Security. Some of his most recent publications: Mass Surveillance and Control of European Dissidence (ENCO, 2021), Blurring the monopoly on violence: Private Military and Security Companies and coercive state power (TNI, 2021), Voices from Confinement and Occupation (ODHE, 2020), The Tentacles of Occupation: exploitation of Western Sahara's fishing resources in the framework of the Moroccan state occupation (ODHE, 2019); The transformation of the military-industrial complex (Shock Monitor and Centre Delàs 2017).</p><p><br></p>



Carola Castellà Josa

Head of citizen participation at Diputació de Barcelona Diputació de Barcelona
<p>Carola Castellano Josa holds a PhD in Political Science (2016) and a degree in Sociology (1998) from the UAB. Master in Initiation to Research in Political Science and Administration: Thinking and Governing Complex Societies (UAB, 2009), Postgraduate in Participation and Sustainable Development (UAB, 2000) and Master in Social Economy and Management and Administration of Non-Profit Organisations (UB, 1999).<br><br>She works in public administration as head of the Citizen Participation Section of the Agenda 2.030 and Participation Service (Barcelona Provincial Council) advising and training political and technical teams of the city councils of the Barcelona area on how to involve citizens in the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies related to different areas of the local world.<br><br>She is currently an associate lecturer in the Department of Political Science and Public Law at the UAB and a consultant lecturer at the UOC.<br><br>Her professional and academic career is linked to the analysis and evaluation of public policies, citizen participation, social transformation and local government.</p>



Carol Romero

Decidim Product Owner Consorci Localret
<p>Carol has worked as a GIS analyst both in the private and public sector. At Localret, where she has worked over the past few years, she coordinated several ICT projects for municipalities, with a focus on digital platforms for citizen engagement.</p><p>She is one of the cofounders of&nbsp;Decidim project and currently working as head of product and coordinating different institutions to facilitate the collaboration among them.</p>



Cheikh Fall

Founder and President of the African League of Bloggers and Cyber Activists for Democracy AFRICTIVISTES Africtivistes
<p>Founder and president of The African League of Bloggers and Cyber-activists for Democracy commonly known as AFRICTIVISTES. A pan-African organisation based in Dakar aim at promoting and defend democratic values, human rights and good governance through digital media.</p><p>Cheikh Fall has also promoted various platforms, such as Sunu2012 and SunuCause, created with the aim of encouraging civic participation on the Internet. Since 2007, he has played a central role in the so-called soft revolution, in which new technologies and social networks have become a mechanism for the empowerment of civil society, a movement that has spread to different countries on the African continent</p><p><br></p>



Darlene Uzoigwe

<p>Darlene strives to make any space she occupies better than it was before. She finds motivation in innovating new mediums for utilizing her skills and bringing thought-provoking solutions to the table for lasting change. While she’s not planning new ways to engage youth in PB, Darlene can be found studying at Harvard University, mentoring young black female high school students entering higher education, and researching the effects of colonial slavery in the U.S within the legal, economic, and societal structures of contemporary America. In her spare time, Darlene enjoys writing and singing opera. She has published her first prose poem through her Creative Writing &amp; Journalism class at Columbia University titled “Roots.” After graduation, she hopes to pursue a career in medical policy and writing, inspiring others to paint the world in the shades they dream of.</p>



David Llistar

Director of Global Justice and International Cooperation of the Barcelona City Council
<p>Degree in Physics and PhD in Sustainability from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.</p><p>Author of the book Anti-cooperation. Global North-South Interferences. (2009) Barcelona: Icària Editorial. Co-founder of the Observatory on Debt in Globalisation (ODG) of the UNESCO Chair in Sustainability and has taught political ecology at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.</p><p>He has spent the last 30 years working for different NGDOs, universities, social movements, countries and governments (including the ACCD of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the SENPLADES of the Ecuadorian Government) on issues of development cooperation and global environmental and global economic justice. He has concentrated his activity on the impactology</p><p>of the Spanish economy in Southern countries and the analysis of development cooperation from the perspective of policy coherence for development.</p><p>Currently and since February 2016, he is the Director of Global Justice and International Cooperation of the Barcelona City Council, where 0.7% of the City Council's own income is granted and where a broadband cooperation model is being promoted.</p>



Efraín Foglia

Technopolitical Designer / / /
<p>Designer of digital interactions, researcher and teacher. His work focuses on the intersection between design, citizen activism and online technologies. He teaches design and communication at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.</p>
Speaking at



Ekaitz Cancela


Ekaitz Cancela is a journalist who investigates the structural transformations of capitalism, its cultural expressions and Europe's position in the world, and whose articles appear regularly in media such as El Salto and La Marea. He is the author of, among others, Despertar del sueño tecnológico (Akal, 2019) and is preparing a book on politics in the digital era for Bellaterra publishing house, due out in 2022.



Elisabet Roselló

Founder of Postfuturear
<p>Founder of Postfuturear, a contemporary foresight and strategy agency combining Futures Studies, analysis of change, trends and complex systems, process design and ethics. She is also a Fellow of the Centre for Postnormal Policy and Futures Studies. She is an occasional contributor to different media on technology, society and culture, such as the CCCBLab.&nbsp;</p><p>With a degree in History from the Universitat de Barcelona, she has worked as a research assistant for the IGOP-UAB and the IN3-UOC for different social research projects on innovation, emerging and collaborative economies.&nbsp;</p><p>She has also worked as a freelance researcher, analyst and strategic innovation consultant, and for communication agencies, consultancies and public administration, and for media such as El País - Retina and RNE4.</p><p><br></p>



Elisenda Ortega

Head of the Participation Promotion Department Ajuntament de BarcelonaBarcelona City Council
<p>She has a diploma in Social Work and a degree in Humanities. An official of Barcelona City Council, she has worked as head of projects and public services in different neighbourhoods and districts of the city, managing local facilities and developing programmes in areas such as women, youth, interculturality, community development, participation and support for civic and social entities.</p><p>Since 2016, she has been responsible for the department for the Promotion of Participation of Barcelona City Council, from which she has played an important role in the process of drawing up the new regulations for participation of the City Council, approved in 2017. He has also actively collaborated in drawing up the strategic lines for diverse and inclusive participation and in drawing up the administrative procedure that enables and guarantees the implementation of citizens' initiatives.</p><p>Three years ago he joined the Democratic Innovation Department, where he has collaborated in the governance process of the Decidim community and currently promotes digital training, education and support for the new Democratic Innovation and Digital Athenaeum-Canodrome project.</p>



Ernesto Oroza


Designer, artist, researcher, a graduate of the Higher Institute of Design of Havana, head of the 3rd cycle Design and Research at the École Supérieure d'Art et Design de Saint-Étienne, and editorial director of Azimuts. Ernesto Oroza has been interested in architectures of necessity, technological disobedience, and other topics that link design and society in times of economic and political crisis. He produces and distributes speculative models and research through various publishing methods, exhibitions, collaborative practices, documentaries, and unorthodox forays into architecture, interior design, and object design.



Eugenia D'Angelo

Mundo Sur



Eurídice Cabañes

<p>Co-director of ARSGAMES, an international organisation with more than 12 years of experience focused on video games as a tool for social transformation. D. in Philosophy from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Cum Laude International Mention with the thesis titled <em>Technology at the borders</em>. Professor at various universities in Spain and Mexico.</p><p>She was the founder and director of the Fábrica Digital El Rule (now the Technology Laboratory) of the CDMX's Secretariat of Culture, and she advises and collaborates with the CENART's Multimedia Centre.</p>



Ferran Reyes


Ferran Reyes is a social educator, expert in technological sovereignty, innovation and social economy. He has initiated and led projects such as Foodcoop, a cooperative supermarket in Barcelona, or the GRETA Network, a community fibre optic network in Terresd de l'Ebre. He is currently working on Vocdoni, a free-code digital voting protocol that uses decentralised technologies to provide security, anonymity and resistance to censorship.



Francesco Tena

Founder Pipeline to Power Pipeline to Power
<p>Francesco Tena is the founder of Pipeline to Power, working to develop meaningful civic engagement habits in young people, ensuring that they have the access and knowledge to remain active and informed residents for life. Francesco recently directed the Participatory Budgeting Youth Fellowship at Coro New York where he trained young people in participatory democracy and leadership development, equipping them with skills to understand, engage with, and take leadership in the governmental decision-making process in their communities. Francesco also partnered with the New York City Civic Engagement Commission to facilitate remote youth-led participatory budgeting processes throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.</p><p>Previously, Francesco led youth civic engagement for the Mayor’s Youth Council in the City of Boston. Francesco also oversaw the first three cycles of Youth Lead the Change, the nation’s first youth-exclusive participatory budget process, and received the 2016 Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation.</p><p>Francesco is a current Obama Foundation Scholar</p>



Franziska Peter

Programmer, and citizen science facilitator in the OpenSystems OpenSystems group of Universitat the Barcelona
<p>Franziska is a physicist, programmer, and citizen science facilitator in the OpenSystems group of Universitat the Barcelona. She holds a postdoc within the EU Horizon 2020 CoAct project on digital tools for participatory research. She currently develops and co-creates the Telegram chatbot “CoActuem per la Salut Mental” that allows the team of (co-)researchers to interact with thousands of chatbot participants. The chatbot gathers diverse experiences and reactions with and on mental health situations. Formerly, she did her doctorate in theoretical physics on synchronization in finite ensembles in Potsdam, Germany, and a postdoc on hatespeech analysis in the socilogy department of Universitat de Barcelona.</p>



Gary Leeming

Director of the Liverpool City Region Civic Data Cooperative
<p>Gary Leeming is the Director of the Liverpool City Region Civic Data Cooperative and Senior Data Manager for ISARIC4C, based at the University of Liverpool. Formerly he was the Chief Technology Officer at the Connected Health Cities programme, developing technology and infrastructure for learning health systems and Trustworthy Research Environments, as well as investigating distributed ledger technologies for management of health data.&nbsp;Previously he was the Director of Informatics at the Manchester Academic Health Science Network working on digital innovation and health information exchanges, and has also worked on use of real world data in clinical trials on the Salford Lung Study and other projects.</p>



Gerard Lillo

Senior Management Technician in Active Democracy at Barcelona City Council Ajuntament de Barcelona
<p>Trained as a political scientist, he has worked in the field of consultancy for various cities, towns and villages in the country. Currently, from Barcelona City Council, he is contributing to building better public policies and a more relational and participative administration from the local sphere.</p>



Giselle Arena




Guiomar Rovira Sancho

PhD in Social Sciences Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico
<p><em>Guiomar Rovira Sancho holds a PhD in Social Sciences in the area of Communication and Politics from the Autonomous Metropolitan University of Mexico. Author of the books:&nbsp;Activismo en red y multitudes conectadas. Zapatistas sin fronteras. Women of Maize. Specialist in transnational collective action and communication in digital networks, feminisms and connected crowds. She is currently analysing the global feminist #MeToo campaign with a Marie Curie grant at the UdG.</em></p>



Hal Seki

Founder of Code for Japan

Hal Seki has been working as a geolocation service developer since 2002. He is a founder of Code for Japan, which is one of the biggest civic tech communities in Japan. Also, Hal is the CEO of Georepublic Japan, providing location-based system consulting/developing services using open source GIS as well as the CEO of HackCamp. This company helps organizations' open innovation strategies. He is well known as a community manager for solving social issues through technology tools in Japan. He has been actively promoting the civic tech movement since he started his social entrepreneur's career when he was managing, a crowdsourcing platform for collecting crisis information after the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred.



Ivan Vergés

Senior developer and analyst at Platoniq and Goteo Foundation Foundation Platoniq-Goteo
<p>Senior developer and analyst at Platoniq and Goteo Foundation. Graduate in Telecommunication Engineering from ETSETB (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC) with skills in programming languages such as Python, NodeJS, PHP, etc. and advanced knowledge in GNU/Linux administration, he builds web applications, server system administration and technical documentation. He leads technical developments and research around open source digital tools for the OpenHeritage and CultureLabs projects, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.</p>



Jaime Palomera

Spokesperson at Sindicat de Llogateres i Llogaters Tenant's Union
<p><strong>Jaime Palomera Zaidel</strong> holds a PhD in Social Anthropology (University of Barcelona) and a Masters in Cultural Studies (Goldsmiths College, University of London). During his doctoral research, he was visiting fellow at the Graduate Center in New York (PhD Program in Anthropology, 2009-10) and at the Centre d’Analyse et d’Intervention Sociologiques in Paris (EHESS, 2010-11).</p><p>His main research interest is the embeddedness of the market in the sphere of social reproduction, particularly through the field of real estate and finance. Advocating a grounded and historical approach, he has explored why and how a growing majority of people in industrialized societies are entering the logics of homeownership and financial debt, and the effects these processes have at the scale of the household and neighborhood/locality. This question has led him to deal with a variety of related topics, such as the regulation of mortgage and housing markets, class formation, urban fragmentation, and the commodification of everyday life.</p><p><br></p>
Speaking at



Javier Toret

Javier Toret is a researcher and activist. He works coordinating digital strategies and political communication campaigns and technological advice. Author - coordinator of the research and book Tecnopolíticas y 15M. La potencia de las multitudes conectadas.



Jaya Klara Brekke

Chief Strategy Officer at Nym

Jaya Klara Brekke is Chief Strategy Officer at Nym, a global decentralised privacy project. She has a PhD from Durham University, writes and conducts research on privacy, power and the political economies of decentralised systems. Her research has contributed to industry, cultural and policy debates about decentralised technologies in Europe, as well as educational material furthering critical thinking amongst developers and technology start-ups.



Jesús Cerquides

Researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC)
<p>Dr. Jesus Cerquides is a researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) of the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). His previous positions include an assistant professorship at the University of Barcelona and University Pablo Olavide, Chief Technology Officer and member of the board at Intelligent Software Components S.A., and Associate Director at Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS AG). His research interests include probabilistic and causal machine learning, multi-agent systems, and democratic and AI enhanced citizen science. He serves regularly as senior PC member in major AI conferences such as IJCAI and AAAI. He is currently associate editor of the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.</p>



She is a Barcelona/Berlin based artist and researcher. Her work critically explores the way techno-capitalist narratives affect the alphabetization of machines, humans and ecosystems. Her main research topics include Internet materiality, surveillance, social profiling and interfaces. She has presented her work in renowned institutions, museums, universities and festivals around the world such as Venice Biennale, MAXXI, MMOMA, Laboral, CCCB, ZKM, Bozar, The Natural History Museum in Berlin, Austrian Museum of Applied Arts (MAK), Ars Electronica, HEK, Photographer’s Gallery, Korean Cultural Foundation Center, Chronus Art Center, New York University, Georgetown University, Rutgers University, University of Cambridge, Goldsmiths University of London, University of Illinois, Concordia University, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ETH Zürich, École d'Art d'Aix en Provence, British Computer Society, The New School, CPDP 2019, Transmediale, FILE and ISEA among many others. Her work has been featured extensively on international media including The Financial Times, Der Spiegel, National Geographic, Quartz, Wired, Vice, The New Inquiry, Netzpolitk, El Mundo, O’Globo, La Reppublica, Fast Company, CBC, NBC or MIT Press.

She is the co-founder of the

Critical Interface Politics Research Group at HANGAR [Barcelona] and co-founder of The Institute for the Advancement of Popular Automatisms. She is currently a visiting lecturer at Universität Potsdam and Escola Elisava [Barcelona].



Joan Donovan

Director and Lead Researcher of the Technology and Social Change Research Project at Harvard Kennedy School Harvard University
<p>​​Dr. Joan Donovan is Director and Lead Researcher of <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">the Technology and Social Change Research Project</a> at the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School.</p><p>Dr. Donovan’s research and teaching interests are focused on media manipulation, effects of disinformation campaigns, and adversarial media movements with a focus on how social movements, political parties, governments, corporations, and other networked groups engage in active efforts to shape media narratives and disrupt social institutions.</p><p>Dr. Donovan’s research can be found in academic peer-reviewed journals such as Social Media + Society, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (JCE), Information, Communication, &amp; Society, Social Studies of Science, and Online Information Review. Her research and contributions can also be found in the books, Data Science Landscape: Towards Research Standards and Protocols and Unlike Us Reader: Social Media Monopolies and Their Alternatives. Dr. Donovan’s research and expertise has been showcased in a wide array of media outlets including NPR, Washington Post, The New York Times, Rolling Stone, ABC News, NBC News, Columbia Journalism Review, The Atlantic, and more.</p><p>Prior to joining Harvard Kennedy School, Dr. Donovan was the Research Lead for Data &amp; Society’s Media Manipulation Initiative, where she led a large team of researchers studying efforts to manipulate sociotechnical systems for political gain. She continues to hold an affiliate appointment with Data &amp; Society as well as an affiliate appointment at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet &amp; Society at Harvard University.</p><p>Dr. Donovan received her Ph.D. in Sociology and Science Studies from the University of California San Diego, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics, where she studied white supremacists’ use of DNA ancestry tests, social movements, and technology.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>
Speaking at



Joan Maria Soler

FAVB Project Coordinator FAVB
<p>FAVB project coordinator. He is the dynamizer of the "Participa-Favb" platform. He will explain how this platform has been articulated to make it useful for the campaign "Public space is public!</p>



Joan Subirats

Political Scientist professor Institute of Government and Public Policy (IGOP)
<p>Joan Subirats Humet (born 1951) is a Spanish political scientist, full professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He is a specialist in governance, public management and the analysis of public policy, and has also worked on social exclusion, democratic innovation and civil society. He was founding director of the Institute of Government and Public Policy (IGOP). He frequently writes for Spanish media, such as El País, Público, and the Cadena SER. He was PhD advisor of researcher Mayo Fuster Morell. He was co-founder and spokesperson of the citizen platform Barcelona En Comú, currently governing the Barcelona municipality.</p>



Jordi Bonet

<p>Jordi Bonet Martí és professor lector del Departament de Sociologia de la Universitat de Barcelona, membre del grup de recerca consolidat COPOLIS, Benestar, Comunitat i Control social i&nbsp;del Seminari Interdisciplinar de Metodología de Recerca Feminista Actualment, coordina per part de la UB el projecte europeu Tackling and responding to online gender based violence through a pioneering ehelpline for reporting GBV online and empowering women, girls and LGBTIQ+ persons and professionals (eGBVHelp) i és investigador en el projecte I+D+i Visibilizar y dimensionar el problema de las violencias sexuales y de género en las universidades (SeGReVUni). Les seves línies de recerca son l’estudi de l’estructura i el canvi social, els moviments socials i la metodología de recerca feminista.</p><p>Darrerament ha publicat:</p><ul><li>Bonet-Marti, J. (2021). Los antifeminismos como contramovimiento: una revisión bibliográfica de las principales perspectivas teóricas y de los debates actuales. Teknokultura. Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales, 18(1), pp. 61-71 .</li><li>Bonet-Martí, J. (2020) Construir gobernanza particaptiva: redes que (co)producen bienestar. (pp. 313-330) En G. Ubasart-González i R. Gomà (coord.). Vidas en transición. (Re)construir la ciudadanía social. Madrid: Tecnos.</li><li>Bonet-Martí, J. (2020). Análisis de las estrategias discursivas empleadas en la construcción de discurso antifeminista en redes sociales. Psicoperspectivas. Individuo y sociedad, 19(3), pp. 01 – 12.</li></ul>



Karma Peiró

Journalist specializing in Information and Communication Technologies

A journalist specializing in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) since 1995.

Co-director of Visualization for Transparency Foundation (ViT), to promote open data to empower citizenship and accountability of public information.

Co-director of Master’s degree in Visual Tools to Empower Citizens, Universitat de Girona (UdG) (1st Edition)

Co-author of the Report: «Artificial Intelligence. Automated Decisions in Catalonia», about ethics and data protection (edited by Catalan Authority of Data Protection- APDCAT).  

Member of the Advisory Council of the Ethics Observatory in Artificial Intelligence of Catalonia (OEIAC), member of the Ethics Committee at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); member of the board for the Barcelona Open Data Initiative; and member of the Council for the Governance of Information and Archives.

I publish articles in Contemporary Culture Center of BarcelonaCapçalera MagazineLa Mira.catTheknos and Think by SHIFTA.

Lecturer in seminars and debates related to data journalism, ethics of artificial intelligence, transparency of information, open data and digital communication.

Speaking at



Laia Serra

Criminal Lawyer
<p>Laia Serra is a criminal lawyer specialising in strategic litigation on human rights, freedom of expression and hate speech, the right to protest, gender-based violence, including sexual and digital violence and discrimination. She combines the professional practice of law with legislative enactment, she is co-drafter of the state LGTBI Law of 2017, drafter of the reform of the Catalan law on male violence 17/2020 and is collaborating in the drafting of the sanctioning regulations of the recent Catalan anti-discrimination law 19/2020. She has collaborated in various parliamentary study commissions on public order models, prison solitary confinement and the incorporation of Tasers into police weapons. She is an advisor to the Catalan Human Rights Plan promoted by the Catalan Ombudsman. She is a member of the&nbsp;Defense Comittee of the Illustrious Law College of&nbsp;Barcelona. President of the Associació Catalana per la Defensa dels Drets Humans (Catalan Association for the Defence of Human Rights), federated in the Association of European Democratic Lawyers. She is legal advisor to the Observatori contra la Homofòbia (Observatory against Homophobia). She is responsible for the Violence Commission of the Asociación Dones Juristes. She is the author of the research "Hate speech: Human Rights analysis and interpretative guidelines" (2018) and the research "Gender-based violence online" (2018). She collaborates with media such as ARA,, La Marea, Píkara Magazine among others.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p>



Las Kellys

Association of floor maids Association of floor maids
<p>Las Kellys is an association of Spanish floor maids. The name "Las Kellys" comes from a popular play on words: "la Kelly, la que limpia" (the Kelly, the one who cleans); in their case they clean hotels. The Association is present in eight territories, these are the territorial groups of Las Kellys: Barcelona, Benidorm, Cadiz, Fuerteventura, La Rioja, Lanzarote, Madrid, Mallorca.</p><p>They began to come together through social networks in 2014, throughout 2015 they went from venting over the internet to self-organization: they formed a series of territorial groups in certain tourist destinations in Spain. At the beginning of 2016 they constituted themselves as Las Kellys Association, uniting over personal political preferences and strengthening the debate about their labor situation and making it much more public.</p><p><br></p>
Speaking at



Laura Sune

Sub-directora general de participació ciutadana Generalitat de Catalunya

Llicenciada en Ciències Polítiques i de l’Administració per la UAB, funcionària de la Generalitat des de 2006, i des de 2008 membre de la DG de Participació Ciutadana. Sub-directora general de participació ciutadana des de 2016. Formada àmpliament en participació ciutadana en institucions com la Fundació Jaume Bofill o el COLPIS i en estades internacionals a Centre Amèrica i Carib, docent de l’EAPC, col·laboradora en publicacions de participació ciutadana i membre del jurat de les convocatòries de participació de l’Observatori Internacional de Democràcia Deliberativa.



Livia Motterle

Universitat de Barcelona (UB)



Lorena Jaume-Palasí

Cofounder of The Ethical Tech Society The Ethical Tech Society

Lorena Jaume-Palasí is a consultant and scientist. In that role, she works at the intersection of technology, culture and ethics. She is also an advisor to the European Parliament and the European Commission, and in 2020 she was appointed member of the Artificial Intelligence Advisory Board of the Spanish Government. She is currently dedicated to the development of The Ethical Tech Society, an experimental space focused on the public interest dimension of technological infrastructures. As co-founder of the AlgorithmWatch initiative, she received in 2018 the Theodor Heuss Medal "for her contribution to a differentiated view of algorithms and their mechanisms of action."

Speaking at



Lucia Errandonea

Co-founder Algorithmic Societies



Lucía Martín

Councilor for Housing and Rehabilitation of the Sant Andreu District Barcelona City Council
<p>Lucia Martín, Councillor for Barcelona En comú, she has highlighted the diversity of the neighbourhoods of Sant Andreu and the growth in public housing and the rehabilitation of properties planned for this term.</p><p>She is a chemical engineer and has doctoral studies in Environmental Sciences. She has worked in the inspection of waste treatment plants and studying biological processes to eliminate pollutants from the environment. She has taken part in protest activities at the Candela Athenaeum.</p><p>In 2009 she was part of the group that promoted the Platform of People Affected by Mortgages, where she made contact with the current mayoress AdaColáis. In the Congress elections of 2015 and 2016 she was elected as a member of the En Común Podem coalition for Barcelona.</p>
Speaking at



Luisa Fernanda Pinto

Gabinet tècnic PEMB Pla Estratègic Metropolità de Barcelona (PEMB)
<p>Advocada, especialitzada en dret urbanístic i màster en Planificació Territorial i Gestió Ambiental per la UB. Ha treballat en el desenvolupament de plans urbanístics en l'àmbit local i en associacions gremials del sector privat relacionades amb la planificació regional i les polítiques d'habitatge. Al PEMB porta els temes vinculats amb habitatge, els processos de facilitació i el disseny del procés participatiu a la plataforma <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a> per la creació del Compromís Metropolità 2030, el nou pla estratègic de la regió metropolitana de Barcelona (RMB).</p>



Lulú V. Barrera

Founder of Luchadoras Luchadoras
<p>Human rights defender and feminist activist.</p><p>She currently serves on the global Board of Directors of Amnesty International and is a member of the National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders in Mexico and the Network for Political Innovation in Latin America.</p><p>She directs Luchadoras, a collective that uses technology to advance the struggle for gender equality, combating machismo in digital space and working for an Internet free of violence against women.</p><p>Luchadoras has been recognised by the Mexico City Awards and the Mexico City Human Rights Commission. They have been finalists for the "Equals in Tech" award from the United Nations ITU and the FRIDA Lacnic Programme.</p><p><br></p>



Mailén García




Maite López-Sánchez

Full Professor (CU) on Artificial Intelligence University of Barcelona (UB)

Dr. Maite Lopez-Sanchez is Full Professor (CU) on Artificial Intelligence at the University of Barcelona (UB) and researcher in charge of WAI (Volume Visualization and Artificial Intelligence research group) as associated unit to CSIC by IIIA (the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute). Moreover, she is the coordinator at UB of the interuniversitary master on Artificial Intelligence (UPC-UB-URV) as well as former board member of the ACIA: (Associació Catalana d'Intel.ligència Artificial) and emeritus board director of the EURAMAS (European Association for Multi-Agent Systems). Previously, Dr. Lopez-Sanchez was research manager at the innovation department of a company (iSOCO: Intelligent Software Components), and visitor researcher at the University of Southern California (USC). Her current interests focus on the inclusion of moral values within autonomous/intelligent systems and social deliberation.



Manuel Portela

Co-founder of Algorithmic Societies Algorithmic Societies



Marc Alabert

Director of Strategic Planning at the UOC Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
<p>PhD in Economics and Business, Degree in History and Master in Public Management from ESADE. He has developed his professional career mainly in public sector organisations, where he has held various management positions.</p>



Marc Serra Solé

Councillor for Citizenship and Participation Rights of Barcelona City Council and Councillor for the district of Sants Montjuïc Barcelona City Hall
<p>Marc Serra Solé, Councillor for Citizenship and Participation Rights of Barcelona City Council and Councillor for the district of Sants Montjuïc. Jurist and sociologist. He worked during the 2015-2019 mandate as advisor of the third tenure of mayor in the Area of Citizenship Rights, Participation and Transparency from where, among other things, was one of the promoters of the new Office for Non-Discrimination and one of those responsible for active registration policies and the Neighbourhood Document to prevent the expulsion and detention of immigrants in an irregular situation. In addition, he has been coordinator of the strategy of the popular accusation in the case for the police charges of 1 October in which the City Council of Barcelona is personified. Previously he was part of the platform "Tanquem els CIE" and collaborated with several entities of defense of the human rights of the city. He co-directed the documentary "Tarajal: desmuntant la impunitat a la frontera sud".</p>



Margarita Padilla

Computer programmer at the Dabne cooperative
<p>Computer programmer at the Dabne cooperative, trainer and author of critical thinking texts on technologies and the network society. She is co-founder of Sindominio.</p>



Marta Anducas

Hybrid Participation Facilitator Platoniq
<p>Marta learned computer engineering at the UPF in Barcelona, participation in the Andean and Amazonian communities of Peru, creativity in her own search, and feminism in the oppression of psychological abuse. In 2019, her paths converged in Platoniq, an organisation where Creativity and Democracy coincide.</p>



McKenzie Wark

Writer New School

McKenzie Wark is the author of a dozen books translated into a dozen languages. The two available in Spanish are A Hacker Manifesto and Capital is Dead. She teaches media studies at The New School in New York City. 

Speaking at



Micol Salomone

<p>Born in Naples, class ’93. Freelance Digital Product Designer with a background in product design, illustration, and app development. I love art, design, and synthesizers!&nbsp;</p>



Miguel Cánaves

Director de Gobierno Abierto de Rosario

He was for 4 years coordinator of communities of the Public Innovation Laboratory of the Province of Santa Fe, and previously legislative advisor on technology issues and participation in the Chamber of Deputies of Santa Fe.

In the private sector he worked for 17 years in the area of manufacturing and development of electronic security systems for industries.

He is also a founding member of Observatorio Legislativo Local, an organization dedicated to transparency in subnational legislative areas.



Nadja von Ballmoos

Co-project manager and product owner for the implementation of Decidim in the city of Lucerne
<p>Nadja von Ballmoos, co-project manager and product owner for the implementation of Decidim in the city administration of Lucerne, “”. Supporting other Decidim Projects as Freelancer.</p>



Nil Homedes

Manager of Decidim for Organizations project Fundació Ferrer i Guàrdia
<p>Nil Homedes is a political scientist specialised in public policy, citizen participation and technological sovereignty. He is a part of the fundació Ferrer i Guardia and is currently working in the Decidim Barcelona team as head of the Decidim for Organisations project, training and advising organisations in the implementation of the decidim platform.</p>



Núria Soto

Spokeperson at Mensakas/RidersxDerechos Mensakas/RidersxDerechos
<p>Deliveroo exrider, spokesperson of Ridersxderechos and founding partner of the messaging cooperative Mensakas.</p>
Speaking at



Óliver Escobar

Director of the Democratic Innovation Area of the Edinburgh Futures Institute and Co-Director of CRITIQUE University of Edinburgh

Óliver Escobar is a writer and Professor of Political Science at the University of Edinburgh (Scotland), where he also directs the Democratic Innovation Area of the Edinburgh Futures Institute and is Co-Director of CRITIQUE (Centre for Ethics and Critical Thought). He has led several research programmes, including the What Works Scotland (administration reform, democratic governance and public services), Smart Urban Intermediaries (urban policy, social innovation and smart cities) and Distant Voices (re/integration and social justice) projects. His work focuses on new governance, citizen participation and democratic innovation. His publications include the books Public Dialogue and Deliberation (2011) and the Handbook of Democratic Innovation and Governance (2019). Óliver was raised and educated in Galicia, and worked in fishing, construction and commerce industries, developed several radio and photography projects, and received a dozen literary awards, including the books A Última Bengala (2003), Apostasía (2006) and Galician Rhapsody, Blues Escocés (2009).



Olivier Schulbaum

Head of R&D at Platoniq, Creativity and Democracy Platoniq. Goteo
<p>A collective of allied designers, researchers, makers, and techies with experience in social change and civic engagement. Create participatory processes and tools for participation with the lens of design and data justice that interweave the concerns and impact on the most adversely affected to engage more meaningful and inclusive participation. Olivier Schulbauum is the head of RD at platoniq, Creativity and Democracy.</p>



Pablo Aragón

Research scientist at Wikimedia Foundation Wikimedia Foundation
<p>Pablo Aragón is a research scientist at the Wikimedia Foundation and an adjunct professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. His research focuses on understanding social and political phenomena through the analysis of data from the Internet. He is particularly interested in characterizing online participation in civic technologies, the online network structures of grassroots movements and political parties, and the technopolitical dimension of networked democracy. Pablo is also a board member of Decidim, and co-founder of the Democratic Innovation Lab of Barcelona and the DatAnalysis15M research network.</p>



Paola Ricaurte

Associate Professor of media and digital culture Tecnológico de Monterrey, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society de la Universitat de Harvard, and Tierra Común
<p>Paola Ricaurte Quijano is a research associate professor in the Department of Media and Digital Culture at Tecnológico de Monterrey and a research associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet &amp; Society at Harvard University. She is co-founder with Nick Couldry and Ulises Mejías of the Tierra Común network to promote reflection on data colonialism from the global south. She is a member of the Alliance &lt;A+&gt; for Inclusive Algorithms; the Feminist Research Network on Artificial Intelligence, F &lt;A+i&gt; R, and the committee of Mexican experts in the Global Partnership for Artificial Intelligence (GPAI). Her work focuses on the critical study of digital technologies from a feminist and decolonial perspective.</p><p><br></p>
Speaking at



Paula Berman

Director of operations of the RadicalxChange Foundation

Based in Brazil, Paula Berman is the director of operations of the RadicalxChange Foundation. She is part of BlockchainGov, an ERC project studying the impact of blockchain technology on local and global governance. Prior to that, she worked implementing participatory technologies and researching decentralized identity protocols with Democracy Earth Foundation.



Paulo Rosa

Conference on the Future of Europe
<p>Paulo Rosa works at the European Commission, in DG Joint Research Centre, in the field of Participatory and Deliberative Democracy. He has a strong hands-on experience in the design and development of innovative digital platforms for the engagement of citizens in science and policy, and the implementation of virtual citizen participatory methods. He currently provides recommendations and support to the citizen engagement activities of the Conference on the Future of Europe.</p>



Pau Parals

Decidim product manager at Fundación Goteo Fundación Platoniq-Goteo

Decidim product manager and budget manager at Fundación Goteo. He has worked for more than 3 years as platform manager in projects where Decidim or Consul exist. He specialises in the Decidim platform, both official and unofficial modules. He performs scrum around platform projects for the Technical Office team. He has experience in facilitating co-creation processes, training in the use of the software and strategic consulting on the adaptation of Decidim to new democratic challenges.



Pere Mariné

FAVB terraces commission Federació d'Associació de Veïns de Barcelona (FAVB)

Referent of the Favb in matters of tourism and dynamizer of the commission of terraces of the Favb that groups to numerous associations of neighbors and groups. He holds the vice-presidency of the Tourism and City Council. He will explain the political side of this project.



Puria Nafisi Azizi

Resident hacker at

Resident hacker in In the past years dedicated himself to technopolitics and tech leaded some major solution within the Lives in Milan lately got a crush on Typography and CTO of Agora Democratiche



Reema Patel

Associate Director at the Ada Lovelace Institute
<p>Reema is an Associate Director at the Ada Lovelace Institute and has worked for the organisation from its establishment as part of its founding team. She leads the organisation’s public attitudes and public deliberation research, and its broader engagement work on justice and equalities, particularly health and social inequalities, seeking to inform the Institute’s overall agenda to convene diverse voices.</p><p>Reema has just over a decade’s experience in public policy and has advised a range of organisations on their approaches to public engagement, particularly as they relate to understanding lived experience and impacts on underrepresented communities. These include the Bank of England, the Nuffield Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, Understanding Patient Data and the Scottish Government. She is on Engage Britain’s policymaker advisory network, the OECD’s Innovative Citizen Participation network and the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 response public engagement expert working group.</p>



Romy Grasgruber-Kerl

Initiator and Project Lead at Decidim.Austria
<p>Romy Grasgruber-Kerl: Initiator and Project Lead at Decidim.Austria. Working on participatory policymaking and civic space / civil society for the Interest Group of Public Benefit Organizations. Founder of mitgestalten Partizipationsbüro -&nbsp;a company that supports the facilitation of participation-processes. Keen on innovative solutions for the future of democracy.</p>



Sara Suárez

Researcher at Internet Interdisciplinary Institute Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

She holds a PhD from Pompeu Fabra University. Her research focuses on the social and political implications of data-driven technologies with special interest in the effects of big data exploitation for the protection of fundamental rights and democracy. During the last year she has worked as a researcher at UPF with the Irla Postdoctoral Fellowship and she will soon join the CNSC research group of the UOC’s Internet Interdisciplinary Institute as a Juan de la Cierva research fellow. Beyond the academic field, she has worked for different public and private institutions, in charge of research tasks, algorithmic auditing and digital public policy consultancy.



Tayrine Dias

Researcher at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
<p>Tayrine Dias is a PhD candidate in Information and Knowledge Society at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), in Barcelona. She is a researcher of <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Tecnopolítica</a> and <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">CNSC</a> research groups, at IN3/UOC. Her current interests are feminist movements, contentious political practices and collective action. Her PhD thesis is focused on the Spanish Feminist Strikes and the (re)configuration of feminist activism in Spain. She also writes about right-wing digital activism in Brazil.</p>



Virgile Deville

Chief Product Officer Opens Source Politics (OSP)

Virgile Deville is a civic tech entrepreneur. A graduate of Sciences Po Paris and HEC Montréal, he is the co-founder of Open Source Politics, which supports dozens of public institutions in the implementation of participatory platforms based on Decidim open source technology. Virgile is also a founding member of Code for France, a collective that promotes ideas and develops tools for a free and open digital world that offers opportunities to all citizens, and Democracy Earth, a foundation exploring the opportunity that the blockchain represents for democratic systems.



Pauline Bessoles

<p>After a master's degree in law and political science at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and an experience in participatory financing, Pauline switched to technical project management and product issues. Project manager on the petition’s platform of the French National Assembly and Senate, she is also in charge of the citizen participation platforms of the city of Toulouse and the European Metropolis of Lille, from the construction to the delivery of their developments on the open source software Decidim.</p>


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