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Changes at "Gamification for Decidim administrators, a brainstorming workshop"

Avatar: Elie Gaboriau Elie Gaboriau

Title (English)

  • +Gamification for Decidim administrators, a brainstorming workshop

Body (English)

  • +

    Description: (Explain in detail what you want to do, what methodology you will use and which is the aim of the workshop)

    I developed a module encouraging administrators to make extensive use of the software through gamification.

    We did some work on the gamification subject and how it can be used in Decidim. I raises awareness especially when we think about Decidim's Social Contract : Is it relevant to add gamification in a democratic software, where every user is supposed to be equal ? Whereas gamification is often used to target and retain consumer users, rather than citizens ?

    We will first use this module following the method of a user test workshop. Then we will dicuss about the usability and ethics around gamification, regarding administrators and users

    Maximum number of participants: 20

    Number of people facilitating the workshop: 2-4

    Language of the workshop: (Can be Catalan, Spanish or English) English

    Logistical needs: (Specify if you need a screen, projector, sound equipment or other things)

    1 computer for 2 people

    Do you need support to come to Barcelona? yes


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