Changes at "Lightning talks - Room gid://metadecidim/Decidim::Hashtag/290/1"
Description (English)
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Room 1
Participatory project funding for grassroots climate projects: Experiences from Switzerland
Cominutas: civil society co-creation of open government policies with Decidim
Ampliando horizontes: Decidim como herramienta fuera del entorno institucional
Data-driven democracy: empowering citizens with information in participatory budgeting
Decidim i la tragèdia dels comuns. Anàlisi i experiència d'un progamari lliure sota els principis d'Elionor Ostrom
Mainstreaming emergent Computational Democracy Platforms
Location: Room Ada Lovelace
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Room 2
Enhancing Democratic Engagement through Effective Proposal Ranking
Decidim Geo: Discover local participation
How 50 University Students Are Transforming Decidim in Brazil -
Proportional Representation in Citizen Participation
Vocdoni: A Secure and Verifiable Voting System for Decidim
Location: Room Margarita Salas
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Room 1 - Ada Lovelace
1/ Participatory project funding for grassroots climate projects: Experiences from Switzerland
Speaker: Lars Kaiser, Urban Equipe
Since 2019, processes based on the participatory budget format have been taking place in numerous Swiss cities as a result of digital transformation and the associated smart city strategies - most of them using decidim. While annual processes have been carried out in Lausanne since 2019, in other cities (Zurich, Aarau, Thun, Lucerne) they have so far been one-off pilot projects.
Unlike in the international context, where ideas submitted by the population are implemented by a city administration, the projects carried out in Switzerland require the idea providers to implement them themselves. They thus create a new way of promoting neighbourhood projects and neighbourhood networking, often addressing issues in the realm of climate adaptation or reduction in carbon footprints.
The lightning talk provides an insight into the findings of these processes, their similarities and differences and attempts to define success factors for the implementation of participatory budgets and highlighting ways on how these processes can be used in tackling the challenges of the ongoing climate crisis. Urban Equipe has been able to gain in-depth experience with this instrument since 2019. It acted as project organiser for the "Quartieridee Wipkingen" (2020/21) and as process facilitator for the "Stadtidee Zürich" (2021/22), the "Stadtidee Aarau" (2022/23) and the "Klima-Idee Thun" (2023/24).
Language of the session: English
2/ Ampliando horizontes: Decidim como herramienta fuera del entorno institucional
Speaker: Alabs
In this 10-minute talk, we will explore how the Decidim platform is being used in various social projects in both the private and public spheres. We will present case studies that demonstrate the versatility and effectiveness of Decidim beyond its use in city councils. We will discuss how the platform has facilitated participatory processes in initiatives such as the Assembly for Climate Change, the Berkane participatory budgets, the YoSoyZonaSur project, the participation process in Cochabamba with JICA, and the ONIC congress, among others. At the end we will present, a tool developed by aLabs to offer an affordable Decidim service in the cloud accessible to any organisation.
3/ Data-driven democracy: empowering citizens with information in participatory budgeting
Speaker: Kirsi Verkka, Development manager. City of Helsinki
How would you make sure your proposal is fair and beneficial for different areas and groups of people? How would you use data to support your arguments and choices? These are some of the questions explored in an exciting project where we aimed to provide citizens with relevant and understandable information about the city's situation and development. The idea was to help citizens deliberate so that they could make informed and equitable proposals that consider the needs of different areas and population groups. The project was part of a participatory budgeting process in Helsinki, where residents could propose and vote on how to spend part of the city's budget.
In the core of the project was a use of service design methods to understand the different needs and motivations of citizens to participate and use data as well as information design methods to visualize and present information in an engaging and clear way.
In this talk, I will share the insights and outcomes of our project and discuss what challenges and opportunities strengthening the role of information in participation brings along. Join me to discover how data can enable citizens to have a voice and a choice in their city.
Language of the session: English
4/ Decidim and the tragedy of the commons: Analysis and experience of free software under the principles of Elinor Ostrom
Speaker: Pau Parals, Pokecode.
The aim of my work has been to answer the following questions:
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(i) In the digital commons, specifically Decidim (free software), can the design principles of Elinor Ostrom be identified and applied to provide solutions in the sustainable self-management of these goods?
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(ii) Are there differences in the sustainable self-management of digital commons compared to physical commons?
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The work conceptualizes common goods and the interconnection between traditional and digital goods. We analyze the tragedy of the commons and the response in the form of self-governance to overcome its collapse. We will understand the philosophy behind free software and the particular problems of this type of goods. With the bibliographic review we propose a methodology that aims to identify and evaluate the Ostrom principles in the digital commons. The results have been obtained via field study (interviews and survey of the members of the association) which have allowed me to draw conclusions in the identification of an answer in the sustainable self-management (or not) of this type of goods , specifically free software.
The objective, then, would be to present the methodology and results of my work to the community. And, based on the Decidim case, discuss the satisfaction in the sustainability policies of the digital commons and present the possible differences of the collapse with respect to the traditional goods. It's a form of giving back that I'd like to do, after all the help I've received from the community <3 My work isn't perfect, and there's a lot to improve. That's why I would really like you to come and have your say
5/ Mainstreaming emergent Computational Democracy Platforms
Speaker: Gerard Fox, Lecturer/Researcher in Strategic Design in IADT Dublin, Ireland.
Exploring the potential of focused collaborations between three distinct but complimentary domains of expertise.
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Computational Deliberative Democracy expertis [Decidim, link), vTaiwan, Fora etc]
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Social Sciences: eg. Political/Social/Behavioural Sciences expertise
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Design: Co-Creation frameworks for Systems/Service/User-Experience digital product design. Also Storytelling, presentation, rhetoric to enhance buy-in.
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Main principles covered:
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Problems with current Representative Democracy Systems
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Advantages of emerging Computational Democracy and deliberative democracy
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Citizens Assembly case study [case studies: Ireland, Marriage Equality + Pro Choice]
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Potential of collaboration to develop next phase of these platforms
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Creating Tipping Points: Potential of dissemination strategies: narratives, platforms, endorsements
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Language of the session: English
Location: Room Ada Lovelace
Room 2 - Margarita Salas
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Enhancing Democratic Engagement through Effective Proposal Ranking
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Decidim Geo: Discover local participation
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How 50 University Students Are Transforming Decidim in Brazil
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Proportional Representation in Citizen Participation
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Vocdoni: A Secure and Verifiable Voting System for Decidim
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Location: Room Margarita Salas
Description (Català)
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Sala 1
Finançament de projectes participatius per a projectes climàtics de base: Experiències de Suïssa
Cominutas: co-creació de polítiques de govern obert des de la societat civil amb Decidim
Ampliant horitzons: Decidim com a eina fora de l'entorn institucional
Democràcia basada en dades: empoderant els ciutadans amb informació en pressupostos participatius
Decidim i la tragèdia dels comuns. Anàlisi i experiència d'un programari lliure sota els principis d'Elinor Ostrom
Plataformes emergents de Democràcia Computacional a gran escala
Ubicació: Sala Ada Lovelace - -
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Sala 2
Millorant la Participació Democràtica a través d'una Classificació Efectiva de Propostes
Decidim Geo: Descobreix la participació local
Com 50 estudiants universitaris estan transformant Decidim a Brasil
Representació proporcional en la Participació Ciutadana
Vocdoni: Un sistema de votació segur i verificable per a Decidim
Ubicació: Sala Margarita Salas
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Sala 1
Finançament de projectes participatius per a projectes climàtics de base: Experiències de Suïssa
Cominutas: co-creació de polítiques de govern obert des de la societat civil amb Decidim
Ampliant horitzons: Decidim com a eina fora de l'entorn institucional
Democràcia basada en dades: empoderant els ciutadans amb informació en pressupostos participatius
Decidim i la tragèdia dels comuns. Anàlisi i experiència d'un programari lliure sota els principis d'Elinor Ostrom
Plataformes emergents de Democràcia Computacional a gran escala
Ubicació: Sala Ada Lovelace - +
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Sala 2
Millorant la Participació Democràtica a través d'una Classificació Efectiva de Propostes
Decidim Geo: Descobreix la participació local
Com 50 estudiants universitaris estan transformant Decidim a Brasil
Representació proporcional en la Participació Ciutadana
Vocdoni: Un sistema de votació segur i verificable per a Decidim
Ubicació: Sala Margarita Salas
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