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Canvis a "Open democracy for open source projects: Mautic x Decidim, a case study"

Avatar: Nil Homedes Nil Homedes

Descripció (English)

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    Join us for an engaging 90-minute workshop co-presented by Mautic Project Lead Ruth Cheesley and Hadrien Froger, co-founder of Octree, Decidim partners and the key architects behind the Mautic Community Portal.

    Discover how Mautic(External link), a leading open source marketing automation platform, leveraged the power of Decidim to transform its governance model and enhance community engagement. 

    This session will dive deep into the journey of implementing Decidim to support open democracy within the Mautic community, facilitating transparent decision-making, collaborative processes, and inclusive participation.

    Key Topics:

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    • Introduction to Mautic, Decidim and Octree: Get an overview of the organisations and their missions.

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    • The Catalyst for Change: Learn about the pivotal moment when Mautic decided to transition to an independent open source project and the challenges that necessitated a new governance model.

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    • Implementation Journey: Ruth Cheesley will share insights into the strategic planning, design, and implementation of the new governance model using Decidim, highlighting key milestones and obstacles encountered.

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    • Technical Insights: Hadrien Froger will provide a technical perspective on the build and support process for the Mautic Community Portal, emphasising the roles and contributions of Decidim itself and other modules.

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    • Community Engagement: Understand how the integration has fostered a more inclusive and democratic environment, empowering community members to actively participate in decision-making.

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    • Outcomes and Future Plans: Review the tangible impacts observed since the implementation and discuss future plans to further enhance community interaction and governance, alongside some future technical developments that are planned to further expand the support needed for open source projects to effectively use Decidim.

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      Join us for an engaging 90-minute workshop co-presented by Mautic Project Lead Ruth Cheesley and Hadrien Froger, co-founder of Octree, Decidim partners and the key architects behind the Mautic Community Portal.

      Discover how Mautic(External link), a leading open source marketing automation platform, leveraged the power of Decidim to transform its governance model and enhance community engagement. 

      This session will dive deep into the journey of implementing Decidim to support open democracy within the Mautic community, facilitating transparent decision-making, collaborative processes, and inclusive participation.

      Key Topics:

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      • Introduction to Mautic, Decidim and Octree: Get an overview of the organisations and their missions.

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      • The Catalyst for Change: Learn about the pivotal moment when Mautic decided to transition to an independent open source project and the challenges that necessitated a new governance model.

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      • Implementation Journey: Ruth Cheesley will share insights into the strategic planning, design, and implementation of the new governance model using Decidim, highlighting key milestones and obstacles encountered.

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      • Technical Insights: Hadrien Froger will provide a technical perspective on the build and support process for the Mautic Community Portal, emphasising the roles and contributions of Decidim itself and other modules.

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      • Community Engagement: Understand how the integration has fostered a more inclusive and democratic environment, empowering community members to actively participate in decision-making.

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      • Outcomes and Future Plans: Review the tangible impacts observed since the implementation and discuss future plans to further enhance community interaction and governance, alongside some future technical developments that are planned to further expand the support needed for open source projects to effectively use Decidim.


      The session will include a mix of presentations, real-world insights, short technical demonstrations, and interactive Q&A segments, offering attendees a holistic view of how open democracy principles can effectively be applied to open source projects.

      Target Audience:

      This session is ideal for anyone interested in open source governance, community management, software implementation, and collaborative decision-making processes. Whether you are a project lead, developer, community manager, or an enthusiast, you will walk away with valuable insights and practical knowledge.

      Come and explore how the intersection of Mautic and Decidim is paving the way for a more democratic and community-driven approach to open source project governance!

      Language of the session: English


      Ruth Cheesley: https://linkedin.com/in/ruthcheesley(External link)
      Hadrien Froger: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hadrienfroger/(External link)

      Ubicació (English)

      • -Entrance
      • + Room Margarita Salas

      Ubicació (Català)

      • -Entrance
      • +Sala Margarita Salas

      Ubicació (Castellano)

      • -Entrada
      • +Sala Margarita Salas

      Detalls d'ubicació (English)

      • -Room Margarita Salas

      Detalls d'ubicació (Català)

      • -Sala Margarita Salas

      Detalls d'ubicació (Castellano)

      • -Sala Margarita Salas


      Si us plau, inicia la sessió

      La contrasenya és massa curta.
